List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2349 Integrated ecosystem and water resources management of the Lancang (upper-Mekong) River Basin: A pilot research in Fengqing and Xiaojie Catchments : Integrated watershed management (Integrattion Report). integrated watershed management catchments maps

Douven, Wim; Chenglin, Dang; Mingchun, Peng; Chongyun, Wang


2350 Integrated ecosystem and water resources management of the Lancang (upper-Mekong) River Basin: A pilot research in Fengqing and Xiaojie Catchments : Water resources; Forest and agricultural ecosystems functioning; Soil erosion; Landslides. water resources forest and agricultural ecosystems soil erosion landslides catchments precipitation evaporation surface water resources groundwater resources sediments river water quality water quality assessment book

2677 Integrated environment and natural resources research, development and extension framework, 2011-2016. forest resources watersheds protected areas biodiversity coastal marine environment mines lands water resources technology transfer commercialization laws policies

Ecosystems Research and Development Bureau


9337 Integrated farming for sustainability. organic piggery, rabbitry,

Veneracion, Angie M.

serials agriculture magazine

4379 Integrated farming system helps him succeed in agribusiness. intercropping, income, farm management,

Abello, M.M.

serials agriculture

3308 Integrated farming: a new approach in the Basse Casamance, Senegal Fisheries,

Diallo, A.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

13010 Integrated greenhouse gas accounting for the Philex-Padcal Mine Project in Benguet Province, Philippines greenhouse effect greenhouse gases GHG emissions GHG mitigation carbon footprint models mining mining forest spreadsheet-based model GHG calculation carbon foorprints carbon storage carbon sequestration benefit-cost analysis energy saving measures biomass loss

Racelis, Elenita L.


2734 Integrated management of insect pests of stored grain in the Philippines. grain storage pest management pesticides

Francisco, S.R.; Mangabat, M.C.; Mataia, A.B.; Acda, M.A.; Kagaoan, C.V.; Laguna, J.P.; Ramos, M.

book impact assessment series 62

872 Integrated management of paddy and aquatic weeds in Asia : Proceedings of the International Seminar, held in Tsukuba, Japan, October 19-25, 1992 pests weed management rice aquatic weeds allelopathy bioherbicides biological control book fftc book series no.45

1024 Integrated management plan for Ban Don Bay and Phanga Bay, Thailand Thailand resource utilization coral reefs mangroves mangrove rehabilitation water quality degradation resource exploitation tourism water use land use policy guidelines coastal management organizational issues environmental quality action plans book iclarm technical report no. 30