ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
10754 | Intellectual property rights : Ultimate control of agricultural R&D in Asia. | intellectual property rights research and development green revolution hybridization biotechnology sui generis biological protection genetic golden rice sustainable agriculture | biotech |
10940 | Intellectual property rights and agricultural biotechnology | biotechnology intellectual property rights : IPR agricultural research technology transfer sui generis systems policies economic analysis plant variety rights : PVR International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants : UPOV | Blakeney, Michael; Cohen, Joel I.; Crespi, Stephen |
biotech | biotechnology in agriculture series, no. 23 |
10968 | Intellectual property rights and agricultural biotechnology | intellectual property rights : IPR technology transfer plant breeding patent biotechnology capacity building | biotech | pocket k |
16331 | Intellectual property rights and Asian agriculture | intellectual property rights; agriculture; patent rights; international agreements; technological capital; plant breeders | Evenson, Robert E. |
serials | asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad) |
531 | Intellectual property rights for agricultural biotechnology: Options and implications for developing countries | Biotechnology Patents Research Research policies Breeder's right Intellectual property rights | van Mijk, J.; Cohen, J.I.; Komen, J. |
book | isnar research report 3 |
2222 | Intellectual property rights in agriculture: The World Bank's role in assisting borrower and member countries. | intellectual property agriculture research technology development prices patents | Lele, Uma; Lesser, William; Horstkotte-Wesseler, Gesa (eds.) |
book |
2368 | Intellectual property rights: Designing regimes to support plant breeding in developing countries. | intellectual property right plant breeding seed production seed policies and regulations biotechnology | book |
1808 | Intellectual property rights: Ultimate control of agricultural R&D in Asia. | Green Revolution intellectual property rights sustainable agriculture plant variety protection | book |
1486 | Intelligences almost re-discovered: A global perspective. | folklore intelligence | MacKinnon, A.R. |
book | occasional papers in rural extension no. 11 |
14343 | Intended nationally determined contributions from forestry in ASEAN countries - Policy Paper | ASEAN; forestry; mitigation | book |