List of Materials : 16539

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
10754 Intellectual property rights : Ultimate control of agricultural R&D in Asia. intellectual property rights research and development green revolution hybridization biotechnology sui generis biological protection genetic golden rice sustainable agriculture biotech

10940 Intellectual property rights and agricultural biotechnology biotechnology intellectual property rights : IPR agricultural research technology transfer sui generis systems policies economic analysis plant variety rights : PVR International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants : UPOV

Blakeney, Michael; Cohen, Joel I.; Crespi, Stephen

biotech biotechnology in agriculture series, no. 23

10968 Intellectual property rights and agricultural biotechnology intellectual property rights : IPR technology transfer plant breeding patent biotechnology capacity building biotech pocket k

16331 Intellectual property rights and Asian agriculture intellectual property rights; agriculture; patent rights; international agreements; technological capital; plant breeders

Evenson, Robert E.

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

531 Intellectual property rights for agricultural biotechnology: Options and implications for developing countries Biotechnology Patents Research Research policies Breeder's right Intellectual property rights

van Mijk, J.; Cohen, J.I.; Komen, J.

book isnar research report 3

2222 Intellectual property rights in agriculture: The World Bank's role in assisting borrower and member countries. intellectual property agriculture research technology development prices patents

Lele, Uma; Lesser, William; Horstkotte-Wesseler, Gesa (eds.)


2368 Intellectual property rights: Designing regimes to support plant breeding in developing countries. intellectual property right plant breeding seed production seed policies and regulations biotechnology book

1808 Intellectual property rights: Ultimate control of agricultural R&D in Asia. Green Revolution intellectual property rights sustainable agriculture plant variety protection book

1486 Intelligences almost re-discovered: A global perspective. folklore intelligence

MacKinnon, A.R.

book occasional papers in rural extension no. 11

14343 Intended nationally determined contributions from forestry in ASEAN countries - Policy Paper ASEAN; forestry; mitigation book