ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
8005 | Interactive effects of soil water content and phytin supply on phosphorus nutrition of different crops species. | phosphorus, drought stress, organic fertilizer, phosphatase activity, | Brandt, Christine |
serials | landbauforschung vti agriculture and forestry research |
9663 | Interactive Guide to Australian Aquatic Invertebrates. | aquatic insects crustaceans mollusks Australian aquatic invertebrates phylum arthropod taxa nematoda | cd |
12074 | Interagency coordination and effectiveness of the human immuno-deficiency virus and | community development virus acquired immune deficiency syndrome HIV/AIDS Thailand | Methee Payomyong |
theses |
3182 | Intercropping coconut with some biennial and perennial crops in Leyte, Philippines | Coconut, Cocos nucifera, cacao, coffee, pineapple, intercropping, nut production, copra yield, cost and return analysis, | Baliad, M.E. |
serials | the philippine journal of coconut studies |
4886 | Intercropping garlic with cotton. | Intercropping : Crop husbandry, cropping systems, land preparation, planting, fertilizer management, irrigation, harvesting, postharvest handling, replanting, thinning, | serials | agriculture |
5868 | Intercropping snap beans with non-legume crops controls pests, increases profit. | snap beans intercropping green onions ampalaya bell pepper tomato insect pests pod borer leaf miner bean fly income fertilizer application | Allig, Teresita D. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
7237 | Intercropping sugarcane with coconut, mango. | intercropping sugarcane coconut mango income | Daray, Felix B. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
7198 | Interest in grain sorghum surges. | sorghum cereal production | Rodriguez, Antonio A. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
328 | Interest rate deregulation: a brief survey of the policy issues and the Asian experience | price policies banking deregulation interest rates policy issues | Glower, C.J. |
book | adb occasional papers no.9 |
8669 | Interesting agri-people at Agrilink 2013. | hybrid biogas, tomatoberry, | Sarian, Zac B. |
serials | agriculture magazine |