ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
10946 | Introducing transgenic crops in India : A joint venture approach. | foodgrain production intellectual property rights : IPR biotechnology policies national research organizations capacity building transgenic plants India technology transfer | Mubashir, Ellora |
biotech | biotechnology in agriculture series, no. 23 |
11231 | Introducing transgenic crops in India: a joint venture approach. | agricultural biotechnology transgenic crops technology transfer India | Mubashir, Ellora |
biotech |
216 | Introduction to agribusiness management | management planning organization and staffing case studies | Drilon, Jose D., Jr. |
book | agribusiness management resource materials, volume i |
16479 | Introduction to agribusiness management and entrepreneurship | agribusiness management; product management; agricultural business management; entrepreneurship | Mitchell, Finlay |
purch |
10661 | Introduction to agricultural economics. | consumer behavior market demand elasticity of demand market equilibrium environment soil conservation government intervention macroeconomics business fluctuations agricultural trade | Penson, John B. Jr.; Capps, Oral Jr,; Rosson, C. Parr III; Woodward, Richard T. |
purch |
10368 | Introduction to agricultural statistics. | agriculture statistical methods statistics probability sampling hypothesis testing analysis of variance correlation regression index construction | Davis, Bob |
purch |
12993 | Introduction to agronomy | agronomy, agriculture, tillage, agricultural productivity, pesticides, herbicides, weed control, permaculture, harvesting technologies, irrigation | purch |
10498 | Introduction to analytical chemistry. | analytical chemistry gravimetric methods titrations electrochemistry potentiometry spectrochemical analysis chromatographic methods | Skoog, Douglas A.; West, Donald M.; Holler, F. James; Crouch, Stanley R.; Chen, Show-Chuen |
purch |
13071 | Introduction to animal science: Global, biological, social, and industry perspectives | animal science; animals; industries; animal nutrition; feedstuffs; genetics; animal breeding; biotechnology; genetic engineering; animal reproduction; lactation; animal behavior; animal health; beef cattle; dairy cattle; poultry; swine; sheep; goat; horses; aquaculture; pet; rabbits; food safety; animal welfare; animal rights; sustainable agriculture | Damron, W. Stephen |
purch |
10422 | Introduction to bio-informatics. | bioinformatics DNA immunization snake antivenom insulin receptor entamoeba histolytica hepatical infection gene regulation pathogen proteins antibodies Entamoeba histolytica data management | Fernandez, Alberto |
purch |