List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1630 International seminar on agricultural change and development in Southeast Asia (ISACDESA): Proceedings. Farming system sustainable development agroforestry systems land degradation livestock raising aquaculture development rice technology technological innovation agricultural production crop rotation book

1265 International seminar on agricultural change and development in Southeast Asia (ISACDESA): Proceedings. farming system agroforestry aquaculture agricultural production natural resources book

11283 International seminar on biotechnology for sustainable agriculture : State of the art of research and product commercialization. biotechnology biosafety genetic agrobacterium biotech

10039 International trade and climate change: Economic, legal, and institutional perspectives. climate change greenhouse gas emissions international trade environment WTO liberalization solar photovoltaics wind power technology clean coal technology energy Kyoto Protocol purch

295 International trade and food security in Asia international trade food security food supply multilateral trading system trade liberalization book

13625 International trade patterns and trade policies in the Philippine fisheries trade; policy; fisheries; consumption; demand; supply; fish and fish products; market; economics; environment; conservation; food safety; health; WTO; ASEAN; APEC

Salayo, Nerissa D.

book discussion paper series no. 2000-15

1198 International training in agricultural economic development. training agricultural economics graduate fellowship

Schertz, L.P.; Stevenson, A.R.; Weisblat, A.M. (eds.)


11225 International transfer of private sector technologies: experiences and constraints. biotechnology food safety technology transfer biosafety intellectual property rights plant breeding capacity building private sector technologies socio-economic impacts policy

Hautea, Randy A.; James, Clive; Krattiger, Anatole F.


1918 International workshop on conservation farming for sloping uplands in Southeast Asia : Challenges, opportunities, and prospects. conservation farming international agricultural research sloping lands soil erosion agroforestry technologies land management practices economic indicators alley cropping contour hedgerows technology transfer small-farm reservoir technology Landcare ASIALAND ACIAR China Germany Nepal Philippines Rwanda

Maglinao, A.; Sajjapongse, Adisak; Myers, M.; Leslie, R.N. (eds.)


13644 International workshop on effective methods of disseminating new technology considering the viewpoint of farmers farmers; ergonomics; agricultural machinery; agricultural extension; agricultural technology; commercialization; industrialization; cultivation techniques; payable service; cropping system; vegetable; natural resources; adaptation; technology transfer; information dissemination; farmers organization; pre-cooling system; Taiwan; Malaysia; Philippines; Thailand; Vietnam book