List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
10511 Introduction to environmental science. environmental problems sustainability ecology ecosystems biodiversity evolution population control human population urbanization climate food security water resources water pollution geology energy environmental hazards human health air pollution climate change ozone depletion solid wastes hazardous wastes

Miller, G. Tyler, Jr.; Spoolman, Scott


10641 Introduction to environmental science. ecology sustainability biodiversity environmental economics environmental hazards ozone depletion climate environmental quality

Miller, G. Tyler Jr..; Spoolman, Scott


13559 Introduction to geographic information systems GIS; data model; data management; data analysis; watershed analysis; mapping

Kang-Tsung Chang


2231 Introduction to information systems project management. project management project organization project implementation control and assessment system development planning process information technology risk management

Olson, David L.


10542 Introduction to managerial accounting. managerial accounting job-order costing process costing cost-volume-profit relationships management profit planning variance analysis differential analysis capital budgeting financial statement analysis

Brewer, Peter C.; Garrison, Ray H.; Noreen, Eric W.


10504 Introduction to mass communication: Media literacy and culture. mass communication media video games internet world wide web advertising ethics

Baran, Stanley J.


392 Introduction to mathematical statistics probability distributions statistical methods correlation regression statistical inference nonparametric methods

Hoel, Paul G.


9718 Introduction to Mekong Institute (GMS Leadership Development and Cooperation). Mekong Institute Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) leadership development and cooperation socio-economic development rural development education reform cd

571 Introduction to nuclear techniques in agronomy and plant biology Isotopes Radiation Nuclear reaction Radioisotopes Radioassay X-ray fluorescence spectrography Autoradiography

Vose, Peter B.


13157 Introduction to operations research operations research; linear programming; algorithms; network analysis; programming; forecasting; decision analysis; simulation

Hillier, Frederick S.; Lieberman, Gerald J.
