List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
9667 IPGRI Newsletter No. 44 : Genetic diversity analysis with molecular marker data - learning module. genetics learning module molecular diversity and plant molecular biology plant genetic resources DNA technology biodiversity conservation education kit cd

9668 IPGRI Newsletter No. 45 to 48. plant genetic resources wild tropical fruit diversity and species plant data management system plant germplasm agricultural biodiversity food security and safety wildlife and plant conservation medicinal plants wild crop, root and tuber crops drought tolerance cd

9669 IPGRI Newsletter No. 49 to 51. plant genetic resources nutritional security plant data management system rural growth agricultural biodiversity food security and safety poverty reduction mapping, technology and communication APFORGEN forest biotechnology cd

4650 IPM and rice - Quo vadis?. integrated pest management, farmers, education,

Velasco, L.R.I.

serials agriculture

5432 IPM for insect pests of onion. onion, integrated pest management, sex pheromones, leaf miner flies, yellow sticky board traps,

Pablico, S.M.

serials the philippine agriculture magazine

7012 IPM is easier and cheaper than you think. integrated pest management rice pests

Pablico, Sosimo Ma.; Biag, Hanah HM M.

serials agriculture magazine

3780 IPM strategies fit well into onion farmers' practices. integrated pest management, weed management, insect pest control, production cost, yield, onion,

Ma. Pablico, Sosimo

serials agriculture

10787 IPR in Southeast Asian biotechnology. intellectual property rights biotechnology plant variety protection technology transfer SEA

Erbisch, Frederic H.


10878 IPRs at UPLB practices, issues and concerns. intellectual property rights patents intellectual property code biotechnological products policy Philippines biofertilizers inventions

Hautea, Randy A.

biotech psp seminar monograph no. 09-03

11341 IPs embrace science. indigenous people : IPs Mindanao culture health medicine fisheries agriculture information exchange inorganic fertilizer food security farm yield income age-old technology biotechnology GMOs

Gomez, Baby

biotech biolife: a quarterly magazine on biotechnology