List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
14216 Invasive apple snails: Integrated management in lowland ricefields of Cambodia and probing their utilization in aquaculture apple snails; Pomacea; invasive snails; utilization; aquaculture; rice cultivation; integrated management; molluscicides; Cambodia

Khay, Sathya; Joshi, Ravindra C.; Sastroutomo, Soetikno S.

serials fish for the people

7863 Invasive insects: problem and risk assessment. agricultural invasive pests, biological control agents, natural enemy, risk assessment,

Mochizuki, Atsushi

serials fftc extension bulletin 616

4487 Invasive plants in agro-ecosystems in New Zealand: Environmental impact and risk assessment. biosecurity, risk assessment, weeds, invasive plants, weed risk assessment system,

Rahman, Anis

serials fftc extension bulletin 539

11545 Invention, diffusion, and innovation-decision process of a machine technology: the case of farm truck ("E-TAN"), Thailand. Invention innovation decision process machine technology farm truck E-TAN Thailand

Tawatchai Nakabut


13377 Inventor turns cooking oil into biofuel usedcooking oil; biofuel serials agriculture magazine

12496 Inventory and assessment of pteridophytes in Barangay Lake Duminagat, Malindang Range, Don Victoriano Misamis Occidental. Pteridophytes diversity distribution species conservation status Philippines

Narval, Eleanor M.


13029 Investigating agronomic and physiological traits for yield improvement in rice breeding rice breeding new plant type (NPT) breeding yield component breeding method Rapid Generation Advance (RGA) Multiple-Regression Analysis Correlation Analysis alternate wetting and drying (AWD)

Phan Ei Phyu


9158 Investigating alternative conceptions of basic chemical concepts among beginning chemistry students: A Malaysian study. instrument, chemicals, students,

Sim Joong Hiong

serials journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia

8441 Investigating swine flu virus drug resistance. swine, flu virus, relenza, tamiflu,

Sison, Jaime A.

serials agriculture magazine

8796 Investigating the presence of regional economic growth convergence in the Philippines using Kalman filter. economic growth, kalman filter,

Mapa, Dennis S.

serials philippine journal of development