ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
14216 | Invasive apple snails: Integrated management in lowland ricefields of Cambodia and probing their utilization in aquaculture | apple snails; Pomacea; invasive snails; utilization; aquaculture; rice cultivation; integrated management; molluscicides; Cambodia | Khay, Sathya; Joshi, Ravindra C.; Sastroutomo, Soetikno S. |
serials | fish for the people |
7863 | Invasive insects: problem and risk assessment. | agricultural invasive pests, biological control agents, natural enemy, risk assessment, | Mochizuki, Atsushi |
serials | fftc extension bulletin 616 |
4487 | Invasive plants in agro-ecosystems in New Zealand: Environmental impact and risk assessment. | biosecurity, risk assessment, weeds, invasive plants, weed risk assessment system, | Rahman, Anis |
serials | fftc extension bulletin 539 |
11545 | Invention, diffusion, and innovation-decision process of a machine technology: the case of farm truck ("E-TAN"), Thailand. | Invention innovation decision process machine technology farm truck E-TAN Thailand | Tawatchai Nakabut |
theses |
13377 | Inventor turns cooking oil into biofuel | usedcooking oil; biofuel | serials | agriculture magazine |
12496 | Inventory and assessment of pteridophytes in Barangay Lake Duminagat, Malindang Range, Don Victoriano Misamis Occidental. | Pteridophytes diversity distribution species conservation status Philippines | Narval, Eleanor M. |
theses |
13029 | Investigating agronomic and physiological traits for yield improvement in rice breeding | rice breeding new plant type (NPT) breeding yield component breeding method Rapid Generation Advance (RGA) Multiple-Regression Analysis Correlation Analysis alternate wetting and drying (AWD) | Phan Ei Phyu |
theses |
9158 | Investigating alternative conceptions of basic chemical concepts among beginning chemistry students: A Malaysian study. | instrument, chemicals, students, | Sim Joong Hiong |
serials | journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia |
8441 | Investigating swine flu virus drug resistance. | swine, flu virus, relenza, tamiflu, | Sison, Jaime A. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
8796 | Investigating the presence of regional economic growth convergence in the Philippines using Kalman filter. | economic growth, kalman filter, | Mapa, Dennis S. |
serials | philippine journal of development |