List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
6288 Introducing GSP [Grain Storage Practices] in cereal spoilage prevention and control (Part 1). cereals spoilage storage pests of plants

Sison, Jaime Abella

serials agriculture magazine

15440 Introducing the Agrifood Systems Technologies and Innovations Outlook (ATIO) agrifood systems; agricultural innovation; Sustainable Development Goals; responsible investment; reports weblinks

6190 Introducing the dragon fruit. dragon fruit cultivars

Research Center, Cavite State University

serials agriculture magazine

8459 Introducing the new lodging-resistant hybrids. stalk rot, hybrids,

Nieves, Allan C.

serials agriculture magazine

14159 Introducing Tiffany, the yellow-fleshed watermelon watermelon; varieties; Tiffany

Ancheta, Aubregyn V.

serials agriculture magazine

10946 Introducing transgenic crops in India : A joint venture approach. foodgrain production intellectual property rights : IPR biotechnology policies national research organizations capacity building transgenic plants India technology transfer

Mubashir, Ellora

biotech biotechnology in agriculture series, no. 23

11231 Introducing transgenic crops in India: a joint venture approach. agricultural biotechnology transgenic crops technology transfer India

Mubashir, Ellora


216 Introduction to agribusiness management management planning organization and staffing case studies

Drilon, Jose D., Jr.

book agribusiness management resource materials, volume i

16479 Introduction to agribusiness management and entrepreneurship agribusiness management; product management; agricultural business management; entrepreneurship

Mitchell, Finlay


10661 Introduction to agricultural economics. consumer behavior market demand elasticity of demand market equilibrium environment soil conservation government intervention macroeconomics business fluctuations agricultural trade

Penson, John B. Jr.; Capps, Oral Jr,; Rosson, C. Parr III; Woodward, Richard T.
