List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
15349 Internal quality evaluation of sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas L.) at different storage temperatures using laser light backscattering imaging technique sweet potatoes; storage; quality parameters; laser light backscattering parameters; varieties; storage; temperature

Sanchez, Philip Donald C.


14407 International agreements on environment and natural resources ASEAN; agreements; UN conventions; international organizations; APEC; environmental and natural resources book

9570 International Bachelor, Master and Doctoral Programmes in Germany 2014. cd

16265 International best practice in food policy: Reflections on food policy analysis food policy; structural transformation; food prices; biofuels

Timmer, C. Peter

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

701 International beta genetic resources network : A report on the 3rd International Beta Genetic Resources Workshop and World Beta Network Conference held at the North Dakota State University, Fargo, USA, 4-6 August 1993 database network activities book international crop network series no.11

10944 International collaboration : Intellectual property management and partner-country perspectives. technology transfer intellectual property rights : IPR biotechnology policies USAID Agricultural Biotechnology for Sustainable Productivity : ABSP biosafety genetically engineered crops capacity building

Ives, Catherine L.; Maredita, Karim M.; Erbisch, Frederic H.

biotech biotechnology in agriculture series, no. 23

10932 International collaboration in agricultural biotechnology. agricultural biotechnology capacity building technology transfer agricultural research organizations pest management CGIAR research management intellectual property rights Thailand BIOTEC

Komen, John

biotech biotechnology in agriculture series, no. 23

11220 International collaboration in agricultural biotechnology. biotechnology biodiversity technology transfer intellectual property human resource development policy information services transgenic plants capacity building

Komen, John


11232 International collaboration: intellectual property management and partner-country perspectives. agricultural biotechnology intellectual property biosafety

Ives, Catherine


11314 International comparison of regulatory frameworks for food products of biotechnology genetic engineering genetically modified food : GM food genetically modified organism : GMO novel food biotechnology Canadian Biotechnology Advisory Committee : CBAC

MacKenzie, Donald J.
