List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1611 International competitiveness of Asian firms : An analytical framework. Technology human resources government capital international competitiveness

Kumar, Rajiv; Chadee, Doren

book erd working paper series no.4

9517 International Conference of Digital Library : IT Opportunities and Challenges in the New Millennium. digital library digital library framework China digital library project National Library of China digital library solution cd

15573 International Conference on Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation for Food and Environmental Security - Conference Summary Report biodiversity; agricultural production; climate change; environmental security book

15577 International Conference on Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation for Food and Environmental Security - Souvenir Program and Abstracts of Conference Papers climate change; food security; environmental security; impacts; vulnerability; adaptations; capacity building book

300 International economics international payments balance of payments exchange rate International monetary tariff commercial policy trade equity

Ingram, James C.


9166 International environmental cooperation between Japan and China towards East Asian sustainable development. international environmental cooperation Japan China environmental protection environmental industry

Qian Xuepeng

serials journal of policy science

4531 International experience in human resource development in biotechnology: Achievements and lessons learnt. biotechnology, postgraduate courses, education,

Seki, Tatsuji

serials asian biotechnology and development review

9449 International Foundation for Science (IFS) Information CD 2006. scientific capacity building research grants science and technology agriculture animal health forestry aquatic resources food science and natural products water resources cd

9535 International Foundation for Science Information 2007. annual reports brief description research capacity food science impact assessment science capacity cd

9753 International information system for the Agricultural sciences and technology, AGRIS 2003/10- 2009-06. AGRIS AGRICOLA information system agricultural science technology cd