ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
152 | International Issues in Agrarian Reform: past experiences - future prospects | Philippines agrarian reform cooperatives rural industrialization landowners nongovernmental organizations land titling land valuation | book |
3096 | International law of relevance to plant genetic resources : A practical review for scientists and other professionals working with plant genetic resources. | biological diversity benefit-sharing policies phytosanitary measures genetic resources development biosafety measures | Susan Bragdon |
book |
3745 | International market seen to grow for Filipino food products. | marketing, Sarangani, | serials | agriculture |
2556 | International migration in Southeast Asia. | migration economic development foreign direct investment remittances female labor migration forced migration illegal workers government policies Southeast Asia Indonesia China Malaysia Philippines Thailand | Ananta, Aris; Arifin, Evi Nurvidya (eds.) |
book |
5741 | International partnership for poultry safety. | bacteriocins Campylobacter Salmonella avian influenza poultry vaccines | serials | agriculture magazine |
14779 | International principles and standards for the practice of ecological restoration, 2nd edition | ecological restoration; biodiversity; conservation | Gann, G.D.; McDonald, T.; Walder, B.; Aronson, J.; Nelson, C.R.; Jonson, J.; Hallett, J.G.; Eisenberg, C.; Guariguata, M.R.; Lui, J.; Hua, F.; Echeverria, C.; Gonzales, E.; Shaw, N.; Decleer, K.; Dixon, K.W. |
weblinks |
10193 | International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF). | internal auditing code of ethics resource management risk management planning analysis and evaluation documenting information disseminating results monitoring information reliability and integrity retention of records communication criteria engagement planning follow-up process | purch |
8254 | International regime on access and benefit sharing: Where are we now?. | convention, biodiversity, international regime, Nagoya protocol, | Jospeh. Reji K. |
serials | asian biotechnology and development review |
7694 | International remittances and family expenditure patterns : The Philippines' case. | The Philippines' case. | overseas remittances, family expenditures, budget allocation, | Tabuga, Aubrey D. |
serials | philippine journal of development |
3313 | International research collaboration in rice-fish research | Lightfoot, C. |
serials | naga: the iclarm quarterly |