List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
152 International Issues in Agrarian Reform: past experiences - future prospects Philippines agrarian reform cooperatives rural industrialization landowners nongovernmental organizations land titling land valuation book

3096 International law of relevance to plant genetic resources : A practical review for scientists and other professionals working with plant genetic resources. biological diversity benefit-sharing policies phytosanitary measures genetic resources development biosafety measures

Susan Bragdon


3745 International market seen to grow for Filipino food products. marketing, Sarangani, serials agriculture

2556 International migration in Southeast Asia. migration economic development foreign direct investment remittances female labor migration forced migration illegal workers government policies Southeast Asia Indonesia China Malaysia Philippines Thailand

Ananta, Aris; Arifin, Evi Nurvidya (eds.)


5741 International partnership for poultry safety. bacteriocins Campylobacter Salmonella avian influenza poultry vaccines serials agriculture magazine

14779 International principles and standards for the practice of ecological restoration, 2nd edition ecological restoration; biodiversity; conservation

Gann, G.D.; McDonald, T.; Walder, B.; Aronson, J.; Nelson, C.R.; Jonson, J.; Hallett, J.G.; Eisenberg, C.; Guariguata, M.R.; Lui, J.; Hua, F.; Echeverria, C.; Gonzales, E.; Shaw, N.; Decleer, K.; Dixon, K.W.


10193 International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF). internal auditing code of ethics resource management risk management planning analysis and evaluation documenting information disseminating results monitoring information reliability and integrity retention of records communication criteria engagement planning follow-up process purch

8254 International regime on access and benefit sharing: Where are we now?. convention, biodiversity, international regime, Nagoya protocol,

Jospeh. Reji K.

serials asian biotechnology and development review

7694 International remittances and family expenditure patterns : The Philippines' case. The Philippines' case. overseas remittances, family expenditures, budget allocation,

Tabuga, Aubrey D.

serials philippine journal of development

3313 International research collaboration in rice-fish research

Lightfoot, C.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly