List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
10159 Introduction to special education : A textbook for college students. special education disability mental retardation learning disabilities gifted children blind hearing impairment speech and language disorders physical disabilities

Inciong, Teresita G.; Quijano, Yolanda S.; Capulong, Yolanda T.; Gregorio, Julieta A.; Gines, Adelaida C.


10106 Introduction to statistics and econometrics. statistics probability econometric models simple linear regression multiple linear regression simultaneous equation models

Danao, Rolando A.


10358 Introduction to statistics. Chebyshev's Theorem probability random variables statistical hypotheses estimation of parameters sampling theory regression analysis of variance nonparametric statistics correlation

Walpole, Ronald E.


10628 Introduction to the humanities. painting sculpture architecture literature drama music dance

Sanchez, Custodiosa A.; Abad, Paz F.; Jao, Loreto V.; Sanchez, Rey A.


10876 Introduction to the industrial property system with special reference to patents. intellectual property rights patent intellectual property code technology transfer inventions utility model industrial design Philippines

Evasco, Epifanio M.

biotech psp seminar monograph no. 09-03

10208 Introduction to tourism: A comprehensive guide to the travel and tourism industry. tourism benefits economic benefits social benefits environmental benefits accommodation transportation travel intermediaries shopping financial services

Libosada, Carlos M. Jr. Bosangit, Carmela A.


15519 Introduction to tropical horticulture micro propagation; seed propagation; tropical horticulture; vegetative propagation; horticulture

Bautista, Ofelia K.


10176 Introductory social psychology. social psychology self attitude and behavior attribution norms social influence persuasive communication group behavior theories anti social behavior

Apruebo, Roxel A.


12595 Introgression of the B-carotene locus into rice using marker-assisted backcrossing. rice marker-assisted crossing B-carotene seeds Golden Rice phenotypic selection molecular marker analysis carotenoids analysis

Thanda Tin


5068 Invasive alien species in Southeast Asia. animal introduction, plant introduction, damage, introduced species,

MacKinnon, J.R.

serials asean biodiversity