ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
4666 | Is the medicine we give to our animal the real thing?. | medicines, certificate of product registration, Generics Law, animals, | Landicho, E.F. |
serials | agriculture |
589 | Is the Philippines underinvesting in agriculture and natural resources research? | Philippines research and development agriculture commodity investment | book | pcarrd information bulletin no.20 |
1963 | Is the rising services sector in the People's Republic of China leading to cost disease?. | labor productivity economic growth China | Duo Qin |
book | erd working paper series no. 50 |
5714 | Is there still hope for the uplands. | uplands migrants denuded forests soil erosion | Tacio, Henrylito D. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
6998 | Is tilapia really worse than bacon?. | tilapia fish heart disease omega-6-fatty acids inflammation | Tacio, Henrylito D. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
15038 | Is your ampalaya prematurely ripening on the vine? It could be fruit flies | ampalaya; fruit flies | Tan, Yvette |
serials | agriculture magazine |
11417 | ISAAA helping life through biotechnology. | biotechnology Dr. Mariechel Navarro technology transfer agri-biotech small-scale farmers food security sustainable agriculture factual information transgenic global environment Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) genetically modified crops papaya ringspot virus GM papaya | Mayuga, Jonathan L. |
biotech | biolife: a bi-monthly magazine on biotechnology |
9339 | Isabela farmer battles drought and flooding. | Amino Plus Foliar Fertilizer, El Niño, | Yap, Julio P., Jr. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
8891 | Isabela farmers first in Asia to plant new biotech corn. | corn, biotechnology, | Rodriguez, Tony A. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
11349 | Isabela province, gaining a foothold in biotechnology. | Isabela province environmental safety information dissemination capability building biotechnology ISU Biotechnology Information Center food security poverty alleviation modern biotechnology biosafety human health SEARCA-BIC CVARRD | Galvez, Joe |
biotech | biolife: a quarterly magazine on biotechnology |