List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
13961 Japanese expert conducts flower seminar in Cebu growing flowers; cultural practices; sunflower serials agriculture magazine

4112 Japanese mulberry tree is a money maker. mulberry, plant production, fertilizer application, bark, export, serials agriculture

8644 Japanese seed firm with Philippine presence marks 100th year. seed, Sakata,

Rodriguez, Tony A.

serials agriculture magazine

9281 Japonica rice production. Japonica indica, production, seeds, land preparation, seedling preparation, transplanting, wet-bed method, Dapog method, fertilizer application, water management, weed management, pest management, harvesting, threshing, drying, storing, milling,

Baltazar, Miriam D.

serials agriculture magazine

4647 Japonica rice soon in the market. rice, Japonica rice, varieties,

Pablico, S.M.

serials agriculture

7195 Jatropha: An alternative "green" source of fuel. jatropha biodiesel biofuels

Tacio, Henrylito D.

serials agriculture magazine

4946 Javan Rhinoceros. Rhinoceros sondaicus, serials asean biodiversity

12934 Jefferson Laruan finds wood vinegar very useful in organic farming wood vinegar Mokusako fertilizer organic farm

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

14143 Jelfarm exports 13-15 tons of okra every day okra growing; export; profit; Tarlac

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

1006 Jembrana disease and the bovine lentiviruses : Proceedings of workshop, 10-13 June 1996, Bali, Indonesia Jembrana diseases Bovine Lentiviruses epidemiology vaccine cattle pathogenesis book aciar proceedings no.75