ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
4543 | Isolation of Salmonella strains from the aquatic environment and comparison with those of animal origin in Tan Phu Thanh village, Mekong Delta Vietnam | agricultural environment, Salmonella, water system, livestock, serovar, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, swine, Vietnam, | Tran Thi Pan |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
14094 | Isolation, characterization and PCR multiplexing of microsatellite loci for western sand lance (Ammodytes japonicus Duncker and Mohr 1939) | genetic resources; Ammodytes heian; Ammodytes hexapterus; western sand lance; cross-amplification; genetic monitoring; polymorphic microsatellite markers | Jun-ya Shibata; Satoshi Tomano; Tetsuya Umino; Takeshi Tomiyama; Yoichi Sakai; Satoshi Nakai; Tetsuji Okuda; Wataru Nishijima |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
12797 | Isolation, characterization and structure elucidation of antimicrobial compounds from the stem bark of Drimys arfakensis Gibbs. | antimicrobial compounds fractionation bioactive compounds Drimys arfakensis hexane extract acetone extract dried powdered stem bark vacuum liquid chromatography radial chromatography antimicrobial compounds | Bimo Budi Santoso |
theses |
15669 | Isolation, evaluation, and whole genome analysis of lactic acid bacteria and their application as starter culture for Lao traditional fermented bamboo shoots (Nor mai som) | lactic acid bacteria; probiotic; Pediococcus pentosaceus; Lactiplantibacillus plantarum; Nor mai som; fermentation | Viengvilaiphone Botthoulath |
theses |
12242 | Isolation, fractionation, and characterization of alcohol-insoluble solids of calamansi peel | food science alcohol-insoluble solids calamansi peel Indonesia | Abdul Aziz Darwis |
theses |
12284 | Isolation, identification and characterization of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli containing the K88, K99, | veterinary medicine enterotoxins Escherichia coli antigens neonatal colibacillosis piglets farms Vietnam | Ly Thi Lien Khai |
theses |
11517 | Isolation, identification, and detection of enterrotoxigenic Esherichia coli from dairy calves in Hanoi City and Hatay province, Vietnam. | veterinary medicine dairy calves Hanoi City Vietnam | Pham Hong Ngan |
theses |
12456 | Isolation, purification and characterization of a lectin from Synapta sp. | lectin marine invertebrates affinity chromatography gel filtration chromatography biological activity carbohydrate constituent molecular weight N-terminal amino acid sequence | Loreto, Ma. Theresa P. |
theses |
6444 | Isolation, Screening and Identification of Mannanase Producing Microorganisms. | prebiotic mannan copra meal probiotic locust bean gum | Khampheng Phothichitto; Sunee Nitisinprasert; Suttipun Keawsompong |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
12466 | Isolation, serologic identification and antibiotic sensitivity testing of Salmonella spp. in poultry. | Salmonella antibiotic sensitivity poultry meats broiler meats eggs cloacal swabs serotypes serogrouping salmonellosis epidemiology | Balala, Lotis M. |
theses |