List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
4993 Kinetics of colour changes of tomatoes during drying tomatoes, drying, color,

A. Unadi

serials indonesian journal of agricultural science

12195 Kinetics of the thermal degradation of B-carotene in carrot juice. food science B-carotene carrot juice Philippines

Hojilla, Milagros P.


5084 Kirirom National Park, Kompong Speu Province, Cambodia. park management, serials asean biodiversity

13931 Klima 101: A climate change guidebook for Philippine journalist climate change; agriculture; food security; policies; Philippines

Visaya-Abano, Imelda; Navarro, Rex L.; Perez, Rosa T.


15700 Klimaalam: Step up and step in to act on climate climate change; adaptation; mitigation; coastal areas; urban areas; rural areas; home; community

Falgui, Raissa Rivera


7729 Know more about longkong. longkong, fruit, Lansium, planting,

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

10495 Know tax! Withholding taxes includes Revenue Regulations (RR) No. 2-98 (As last amended by RR No. 6-2012). withholding taxes income tax exemptions value added tax

Duncano, Danilo A.


2557 Know your ASEAN. ASEAN regionalism human rights poverty trading tourism communicable disease terrorism natural disasters women cultural heritage book

5694 Know your native orchid - Vanda luzonica. orchid Vanda luzonica habitat cultural requirements watering ventilation potting media fertilization propagation weeding serials the philippine agriculture magazine

9571 Know Your Neighbours. cd