List of Materials : 16541

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
10474 Laguna: A celebration of life. province towns tourist spots products festivals Laguna Philippines

Yu, Ronald A. (ed.)


13765 Lake Sebu biodiversity to be assessed biodiversity; Lake Sebu; DOST

Manalili, Eduardo V.

serials agriculture magazine

8960 Lake Sebu revisited. Lake Sebu, fish kill, tilapia cage,

Guerrero, Rafael D. III

serials agriculture magazine

2052 Lakewatch 2003: The changing state of the world's lakes. lakes acidification eutrophication toxic contamination water level changes salinization siltation

Jorgensen, Sven Erik; de Bernardi, Riccardo; Ballatore, Thomas J.; Muhandiki, Victor S.


7072 Lanao del Norte is Land of Milk, not MILF. dairy farm milk production milk feeding program Lanao del Norte

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

272 Land and water resources management Land management water management water resources resource use farming systems policy information systems economic valuation incentives book edi policy seminar report series: report no.6

12454 Land and water resources management in the catchment area of Sutami and Sengguruh dams: an economic optimization approach. catchment area soil depth and reservoir water economic values reservoir storage soil loss dynamic optimazation cropping pattern externality

Rini Dwiastuti


16619 Land carbon cycle modeling ecosystem modeling; data assimilation in modeling; assessing models; types of models

Luo, Yiqi; Smith, Benjamin (Eds.)


643 Land clearing and development in the tropics land development land clearing methods ecosystem soil management socioeconomic aspects soil fertility soil erosion soil conservation

Lal, R.; Sanchez, P.A.; Cummings, R.W., Jr. (eds.)


1770 Land conservation for future generations : Proceedings of the Fifth International Soil Conservation Conference, 18-29 January 1988, Bangkok, Thailand. water erosion wind erosion soil conservation technology transfer watershed soil survey forest management gully management mapping computers

Rimwanich, Sanarn (ed.)
