List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
4283 La Union firm makes light farm machines. farm machinery, thresher, serials agriculture

4187 La Union is ubi capital of the north in the making. ubi, growers, DMMMSU, project, industry,

Ogbinar, A.O.

serials agriculture

10966 Labeling GM foods policies transgenic crops allergenicity genetically modified : GM biotechnology DNA biotech pocket k

10868 Labeling of rDNA biotechnology-derived foods. rDNA biotechnology-derived foods rBST-free transgenic animals GM-free biotech

9834 Labor laws source book: The updated labor code and other labor laws. labor code laws recruitment employment wages social welfare benefits health safety compensation medical benefits termination of employment retirement labor organizations unfair labor practices

Azucena, C.A.


1457 Laboratory manual in dairy technology. milk products cheese butter yoghurt evaporated milk ice cream making pastillas de leche microbiological examination condensed milk leche plan

Dulay, Teofilo A.

book techguide series no.30

7455 Laboratory Studies on the Life Cyle and Breeding of the Midge, Chironomus plumatisetigerus (Diptera: Chironomidae). generation, fertility, hatchability, head capsule,

Chaliow Kuvangkadilok

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

3821 Laboratory studies on the preparation of coconut diethanolamide (CDA). Coconut, diethanolamides,

Arida, Violeta P.

serials the philippine journal of coconut studies

14620 Laboratory-scale investigation of recharge wells for groundwater storage groundwater; confined aquifer; artificial recharge; recharge wells; laboratory-scale

Luyun, Roger A. Jr.; Fajardo, Arthur L.; de los Reyes, Rosa B.; Bumanglag, Christine P.; Luna, Joselle R.

serials philippine journal of agricultural and biosystems engineering

2417 Labour law of Lao People's Democratic Republic. labor management termination of employment hours of work salaries income tax occupational injury labor disputes sanctions pension scheme compensation scheme book