List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
12249 Land ownership structures and levels of living of settlers in the transmigration areas of Lampung Province, Indonesia agrarian studies Land ownership transmigration areas Lampung Province Indonesia

Basita Gintingsugihen


92 Land resources management for food security: policy issues, recommendations and action plan land resources land use food security policy reforms environmental degradation land classification

Fernandez, N.C.; Rañola, R.F.; Badayos, R.B.

book cpds working paper no. 97-10

16358 Land suitability analysis for cereal-forage legume mixed cropping system cartography-mapping; land suitability; optimization methods

Tesfaye, Getachew; Tibebe, Degefie; Mesfin,Tewodros; Ayele, Kalkidan; Abera, Wuletawu; Tamene, Lulseged


12471 Land suitability and fertility capability evaluation for land reform area in Maha Sarakham province, Thailand. soil fertility physical properties chemical properties land suitability remote sensing GPS geographic information system rice cassava sugarcane

Soontaree Boonme


16642 Land suitability assessment for garlic in Region I agroclimatic condition; garlic; geographic information system; suitability assessment

Bucao, Dionisio S.; Utrera, Rodel T.; Galacgac, Evangeline S.; Sagsagat, Franklin C.

serials science and technology journal

1916 Land tenure and policy issues in land use planning : with special reference to Southern and Eastern Africa (Proceedings). land tenure land policy property rights land administration land development conflict resolution land use planning

Kirk, M.; Loffler, U.; Petermann, T. (eds.)


15158 Land tenure, access to credit, and agricultural performance of agrarian reform beneficiaries, farmer-beneficiaries, and other rural workers agricultural credit supply, agricultural credit demand; crop type; household characteristics; farm area; agricultural performance; assets

Galang, Ivory Myka R.

book research paper series no. 2021-07

14386 Land use and ecosystem services spatial targeting; environmental tax; biodiversity; water quality; payment for ecosystem services; conservation auction

Hardelin, Julien; Lankoski, Jussi

weblinks agriculture and fisheries paper no. 114

12634 Land use change and its impacts on watershed function and food security in Huaynamphung sub-watershed, Thailand. land use watershed land suitability watershed management law and legislation conservation policy land reform policy Thailand

Kanlaya Damrongsadsiri


15224 Land use change in tropical watersheds: Evidence, causes and remedies land use; case studies; watershed management; economic development; watershed degradation; agricultural development; water quality changes; economic incentives; soil erosion; payments for environmental services; economic policies; Philippines

Coxhead, Ian; Shively, Gerald
