ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
12249 | Land ownership structures and levels of living of settlers in the transmigration areas of Lampung Province, Indonesia | agrarian studies Land ownership transmigration areas Lampung Province Indonesia | Basita Gintingsugihen |
theses |
92 | Land resources management for food security: policy issues, recommendations and action plan | land resources land use food security policy reforms environmental degradation land classification | Fernandez, N.C.; Rañola, R.F.; Badayos, R.B. |
book | cpds working paper no. 97-10 |
16358 | Land suitability analysis for cereal-forage legume mixed cropping system | cartography-mapping; land suitability; optimization methods | Tesfaye, Getachew; Tibebe, Degefie; Mesfin,Tewodros; Ayele, Kalkidan; Abera, Wuletawu; Tamene, Lulseged |
weblinks |
12471 | Land suitability and fertility capability evaluation for land reform area in Maha Sarakham province, Thailand. | soil fertility physical properties chemical properties land suitability remote sensing GPS geographic information system rice cassava sugarcane | Soontaree Boonme |
theses |
16642 | Land suitability assessment for garlic in Region I | agroclimatic condition; garlic; geographic information system; suitability assessment | Bucao, Dionisio S.; Utrera, Rodel T.; Galacgac, Evangeline S.; Sagsagat, Franklin C. |
serials | science and technology journal |
1916 | Land tenure and policy issues in land use planning : with special reference to Southern and Eastern Africa (Proceedings). | land tenure land policy property rights land administration land development conflict resolution land use planning | Kirk, M.; Loffler, U.; Petermann, T. (eds.) |
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15158 | Land tenure, access to credit, and agricultural performance of agrarian reform beneficiaries, farmer-beneficiaries, and other rural workers | agricultural credit supply, agricultural credit demand; crop type; household characteristics; farm area; agricultural performance; assets | Galang, Ivory Myka R. |
book | research paper series no. 2021-07 |
14386 | Land use and ecosystem services | spatial targeting; environmental tax; biodiversity; water quality; payment for ecosystem services; conservation auction | Hardelin, Julien; Lankoski, Jussi |
weblinks | agriculture and fisheries paper no. 114 |
12634 | Land use change and its impacts on watershed function and food security in Huaynamphung sub-watershed, Thailand. | land use watershed land suitability watershed management law and legislation conservation policy land reform policy Thailand | Kanlaya Damrongsadsiri |
theses |
15224 | Land use change in tropical watersheds: Evidence, causes and remedies | land use; case studies; watershed management; economic development; watershed degradation; agricultural development; water quality changes; economic incentives; soil erosion; payments for environmental services; economic policies; Philippines | Coxhead, Ian; Shively, Gerald |
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