ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
12444 | Land use changes and biodiversity conservation in Lore Lindu National Park, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. | land use deforestation human population land value vegetation anthropogenic forest structure diversity national park management benefit cost analysis | Ismet Khaeruddin |
theses |
4753 | Land use characterization and training needs assessment within CMU watershed catchment. | watershed, land use, agroforestry, inventory, water conservation, indigenous knowledge, | Lacandula, J.O. |
serials | cmu journal of science |
132 | Land use conversion policies and the comprehensive agrarian reform program | Philippines Agrarian reform land use conversion policies | Penalba, Linda M. |
book | iast occasional papers series no.34 |
11853 | Land use development strategies for the rehabilitation of Gajahmungkur Reservoir subwatershed | soil science Land use development strategies rehabilitation Gajahmungkur reservoir subwatershed | Kukuh Murtilaksono |
theses |
1128 | Land use management policy for sustainable agriculture | sustainable agriculture land use | Sajise, Percy E. |
book |
13037 | Land use planning for paddy field In Aileu District, Timor Leste | land availability land suitability food security geographic information system multi criteria analysis analytical hierarchy process | Nilton Jorge A. De. C. Ribeiro |
theses |
8489 | Landbank biogas CDM program for piggeries first of its kind in PH, Southeast Asia. | biogas pig farm | serials | agriculture magazine |
4347 | Landcare Project in the Visayas come up with good results. | conservation farming practices, soil fertility, natural vegetative filter strips, project, indigenous tree species, | Labra, J. |
serials | agriculture |
2643 | Landcare: Communities shaping the land and the future. | landcare land use soil conservation citizen participation | Campbell, Andrew |
book |
5589 | Landmark style bonsai. | bonsai origin propagation prunning maintenance | Metilla, Serapion S. |
serials | agriculture magazine |