List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
7984 Legal perspectives on regulating phosphorus fertilization. administrative regulation, biodiversity, certificate trading, eutrophication, legislation, phosphorus, resources, sustainability,

Ekardt, Felix

serials landbauforschung vti agriculture and forestry research

10619 Legendary leadership. leadership traits

Garber, Peter R.

purch hr skill series

207 Legislation, development and legislating development in Brazilian rural labor markets Legislation Rural planning Employment rural labor labor markets

Anderson, J.


16095 Legislative actions and operational reforms toward a smuggling-free agriculture industry in the Philippines policy brief; agriculture industry; smuggling serials searca policy brief series 2013

14053 Legislative officials apprised on Philippines biosafety regulations biosafety serials agriculture magazine

9459 LEISA CD-ROM Version 2006-08 : Magazine on Low External Input and Sustainable Agriculture. sustainable agriculture poverty reduction agro-ecology rural development agroforestry biotechnology biodiversity animal husbandry food security and farming system crop management and pest management cd

9552 LEISA Magazine 1984-2003. sustainable agriculture poverty reduction agro-ecology rural development agroforestry biotechnology biodiversity animal husbandry farming system and food security crop management and pest management cd

8269 Lemongrass oil distiller. lemongrass, distiller, yields, hydrosol, harvesting, serials agriculture magazine

5869 Lemongrass production guide. lemongrass plant production agroclimatic requirements propagation seed collection preparation of nursery transplanting root division fertilizer application weeding irrigation postharvest practices harvesting drying pest management distillation storage uses citral oil food flavoring papermaking serials agriculture magazine

3318 Length-based estimates of vital statistics in Threadfin Bream (Nemipterus japonicus) from bay of Bengal, Bangladesh fisheries,

Mustafa, M.G.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly