List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
11083 Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) expert report on biotechnology and foods : Labeling of rDNA biotechnology-derived foods. rDNA biotechnology-derived foods food ingredients transgenic animals genetics food production biotech

11039 Institute slams bill on biotechnology. biotechnology biosafety Southeast Asia Regional Institute for Community Education PhilRice Bt corn NCBP IRRI transgenic crops Bacillus thuringiensis : Bt

Icamina, Paul

biotech manila times

11526 Institution building of a rural organization the case of the village contraceptive distribution center at Jabung, Malang, East Java, Indonesia. rural development management contraceptive community organizing Java Indonesia

Hadi Prayitno


16242 Institutional arrangements in seasonal floodplain management under community-based aquaculture in Bangladesh floodplain management; community-based fish culture management; common-pool resource; ownership and access; institutional arrangement and rules; benefits

Haque, A.B.M. Mahfuzul; Visser, Leontine E.; Dey, Madan M.

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

15901 Institutional development of Muslim education in the Philippines Muslim education; curriculum; basic education; higher education; reforms; Philippines

Al-Raschid-Arsad, Nefertari

book up cids discussion paper 2022-04

315 Institutional finance for agricultural development: an analytical survey of critical issues rural credit financial institutions agricultural loans interest rates

Desai, Bhupat M.; Mellor, John W.

book ifpri food policy review 1

9118 Institutional financing of catastrophic health expenditures. health expenditures, Department of Health,

Caballes, Alvin B.

serials philippine journal of development

2842 Institutional Learning and Change (ILAC) at ICRISAT: A case study of the Tata-ICRISAT Project. institutional innovations project management historical study

Shambu Prasad, C.; Laxmi, T.; Wani, S.P.

book global theme on agroecosystems report no. 19

3941 Institutional partnerships in the rehabilitation of Biñan River, Laguna, Philippines. Institutional linkages, participatory resource management, environmental rehabilitation,

Escobin, Aileen A.

serials journal of environmental science and management

682 Institutional reform and co-operation in irrigated agriculture: with special reference to LAO PDR and Vietnam Philippines Vietnam Lao PDR Indonesia Malaysia institutional reform irrigation management Mekong Basin drainage legislation development plan

Abernethy, C.L.; Heim, F. (eds.)
