ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
11083 | Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) expert report on biotechnology and foods : Labeling of rDNA biotechnology-derived foods. | rDNA biotechnology-derived foods food ingredients transgenic animals genetics food production | biotech |
11039 | Institute slams bill on biotechnology. | biotechnology biosafety Southeast Asia Regional Institute for Community Education PhilRice Bt corn NCBP IRRI transgenic crops Bacillus thuringiensis : Bt | Icamina, Paul |
biotech | manila times |
11526 | Institution building of a rural organization the case of the village contraceptive distribution center at Jabung, Malang, East Java, Indonesia. | rural development management contraceptive community organizing Java Indonesia | Hadi Prayitno |
theses |
16242 | Institutional arrangements in seasonal floodplain management under community-based aquaculture in Bangladesh | floodplain management; community-based fish culture management; common-pool resource; ownership and access; institutional arrangement and rules; benefits | Haque, A.B.M. Mahfuzul; Visser, Leontine E.; Dey, Madan M. |
serials | asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad) |
15901 | Institutional development of Muslim education in the Philippines | Muslim education; curriculum; basic education; higher education; reforms; Philippines | Al-Raschid-Arsad, Nefertari |
book | up cids discussion paper 2022-04 |
315 | Institutional finance for agricultural development: an analytical survey of critical issues | rural credit financial institutions agricultural loans interest rates | Desai, Bhupat M.; Mellor, John W. |
book | ifpri food policy review 1 |
9118 | Institutional financing of catastrophic health expenditures. | health expenditures, Department of Health, | Caballes, Alvin B. |
serials | philippine journal of development |
2842 | Institutional Learning and Change (ILAC) at ICRISAT: A case study of the Tata-ICRISAT Project. | institutional innovations project management historical study | Shambu Prasad, C.; Laxmi, T.; Wani, S.P. |
book | global theme on agroecosystems report no. 19 |
3941 | Institutional partnerships in the rehabilitation of Biñan River, Laguna, Philippines. | Institutional linkages, participatory resource management, environmental rehabilitation, | Escobin, Aileen A. |
serials | journal of environmental science and management |
682 | Institutional reform and co-operation in irrigated agriculture: with special reference to LAO PDR and Vietnam | Philippines Vietnam Lao PDR Indonesia Malaysia institutional reform irrigation management Mekong Basin drainage legislation development plan | Abernethy, C.L.; Heim, F. (eds.) |
book |