List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
10073 Information and communication technologies in education and training in Asia and the Pacific. information and communication technologies ICT education training teachers students attitudes learning materials education management distance learning

Loxley, William; Julien, Patrick


13738 Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in agriculture information and communication technologies; ICT; agriculture; developing countries; governance; privacy; ethics weblinks

10094 Information and communications for development 2006: Global trends and policies. foreign direct investment telecommunications communication services information services ICT purch

9516 Information Database on Philippine Rats. Philippine rat rat pest species rat pest management rat biology Banaue Rice Rerraces rice shrew rat and mice rodenticides zoogeography upland rice weeds mung beans golden apple snail earthworm Japonica

R.C. Joshi


9662 Information Management Resource Kit (IMARK) : Management of Electronic Documents Module. information management electronic documents agriculture information e-learning personal learning path cd

15607 Information management, processing, packaging and marketing: A course guide information management; information processing; information packaging; information marketing; indexing; abstracting; storage and retrieval; subject classification; data collection; information system

Sison, Josephine C.; Rillo, Alicia H.; Dayao, Benefa M.


10307 Information policy in the electronic age. information policy copyright document delivery publishing electronic publishing communications network information reliability Information policy

Grieves, M. (ed.)


1794 Information technology and rural development in Asia-Pacific region : Report of an APO study mission, 6-14 December 1995, Tokyo, Japan. information technology information services rural development telecommunication book

1696 Infrastructure for community development. community development infrastructure book

13673 Infrastructure maintenance in the Pacific: Challenging the build-neglect-rebuild paradigm - Summary Paper infrastructure service; asset management; preventive maintenance; government; Fiji; Pacific island countries book