ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
10073 | Information and communication technologies in education and training in Asia and the Pacific. | information and communication technologies ICT education training teachers students attitudes learning materials education management distance learning | Loxley, William; Julien, Patrick |
purch |
13738 | Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in agriculture | information and communication technologies; ICT; agriculture; developing countries; governance; privacy; ethics | weblinks |
10094 | Information and communications for development 2006: Global trends and policies. | foreign direct investment telecommunications communication services information services ICT | purch |
9516 | Information Database on Philippine Rats. | Philippine rat rat pest species rat pest management rat biology Banaue Rice Rerraces rice shrew rat and mice rodenticides zoogeography upland rice weeds mung beans golden apple snail earthworm Japonica | R.C. Joshi |
cd |
9662 | Information Management Resource Kit (IMARK) : Management of Electronic Documents Module. | information management electronic documents agriculture information e-learning personal learning path | cd |
15607 | Information management, processing, packaging and marketing: A course guide | information management; information processing; information packaging; information marketing; indexing; abstracting; storage and retrieval; subject classification; data collection; information system | Sison, Josephine C.; Rillo, Alicia H.; Dayao, Benefa M. |
book |
10307 | Information policy in the electronic age. | information policy copyright document delivery publishing electronic publishing communications network information reliability Information policy | Grieves, M. (ed.) |
purch |
1794 | Information technology and rural development in Asia-Pacific region : Report of an APO study mission, 6-14 December 1995, Tokyo, Japan. | information technology information services rural development telecommunication | book |
1696 | Infrastructure for community development. | community development infrastructure | book |
13673 | Infrastructure maintenance in the Pacific: Challenging the build-neglect-rebuild paradigm - Summary Paper | infrastructure service; asset management; preventive maintenance; government; Fiji; Pacific island countries | book |