ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
6286 | Increase yield with quality seeds. | seeds varieties rice | Layaoen, Myriam G. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
1584 | Increased lowland rice production in the Mekong region. | Cambodia Laos lowland rice rainfed lowland rice nutrient requirement | Shu Fukai; Jaya Basnayake (eds.) |
book | aciar proceedings no. 101 |
16154 | Increasing crop production benefits to small producers in Bangladesh | agriculture; fertilizer; irrigation; Bangladesh | Bryan, Elizabeth; Bell, Andrew Reid; Ringler, Claudia; Ahmed, Akhter U. |
serials | asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad) |
2254 | Increasing economic options in rainfed agriculture in Indochina through efficient use of water resources. | water availability land use cycles slash-and-burn soil moisture mapping hydrologic modeling watersheds surface water land resource use irrigation pond groundwater pond irrigation farmers decision making water movement nutrient movement plant densities chromosome sugarcane hybridization forage fermentation quality dry matter degradability farmer participatory technology water saving technologies cattle animal feeding | Ito, O.; Caldwell, M.; Yamamoto, Y.; Hamada, H.; Nishida, T. (eds.) |
book | jircas working report no. 47 |
11383 | Increasing farmers' income - the biotech way. | Department of Agriculture agricultural intervention virus-resistant papaya delayed-ripening papaya insect-resistant eggplant insect-resistant cotton virus-resistant abaca international market medicinal crop production organic fertilizers biopesticides biofertilizers traditional crop farming high value integrated multiproduct agricultural development income sustainable productivity Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization (AFMA) technology development biodiversity human insulin organic food genetically modified organisms (GMO) genetic biotechnology modern biotechnology biological systems food and fiber production Bt corn DNA traditional biotechnology food pharmaceutical cosmetics | Panganiban, Domingo |
biotech | biolife |
8623 | Increasing goat production is Bulacan agri-school's goal. | goat, | Rodriguez, Tony A. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
686 | Increasing handling, processing and marketing efficiency in the grain postharvest system : Proceedings of the 16th ASEAN Seminar on Grain Postharvest Technology, 24-26 August 1993, Phuket, Thailand | Philippines feed grain food grain grain quality residue analysis drying system storage system market analysis marketing farmer's cooperatives | Naewbanij, J.O.; Manilay, A.A.; Frio, A.S. (eds.) |
book |
5620 | Increasing layer productivity with bioplexes. | eggs, feeds, eggshell, trace minerals, inorganic minerals, non-metallic mineral binders, bioplexes, Eggshell 49, carbonic anhydrase, quality, | Sison, Jaime A. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
2108 | Increasing productivity of intensive rice systems through site-specific nutrient management. | irrigated rice nutrient management yield formation analysis agronomic performance farm-level productivity Asia India Thailand Philippines Indonesia Vietnam China | Dobermann, A.; Witt, C.; Dawe, D. (eds.) |
book |
15954 | Increasing productivity of selected foliage plant through better cultural management | foliage plant; productivity; Dracaena sanderiana; propagation techniques; impact assessment; investment | serials | pcaarrd impact assessment bulletin |