List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
15720 Improving the agricultural insurance program to enhance resilience to climate change: Evidence from rice and corn production in the Philippines climate change resilience; agricultural insurance; Philippines

Yorobe, Jose M. Jr.; Luis, Pilipinas M.; Bordey, Flordeliza H.; Arida, Imelda A.


6176 Improving the genetic makeup of the carabao. carabao dairy breed gene pool breeding value semen utilization artificial insemination cloning biotechnology

Pablico, Sosimo Ma.

serials agriculture magazine

2762 Improving the governance of water resources in Cambodia: A stakeholder analysis. water resources governance irrigation catchment

Phirun, Nang; Daravy, Khiev; Hirsch, Philip; Whitehead, Isabelle

book cdri working paper series no. 54

4889 Improving the growth of native pigs. Feeds : Animal feeding, antibiotics, native pigs,

Linnaon, Wendy J.

serials agriculture

8619 Improving the native process of preparing basi. basi, dadapilan, bornay,

Domingo, Nicasio T., Jr.

serials agriculture magazine

5862 Improving the nutritional value of soybean meal with alpha-galactosidase. soybean galactosides chicken legumes oligosaccharides raffinose stachyose verbascose enzyme Capsozyme SB

Sison, Jaime Abella

serials agriculture magazine

1657 Improving the productivity and sustainability of rice-wheat systems: Issues and impacts. cropping systems green revolution sustainability puddling technology crop residues livelihood laser leveling plant establishment book asa special publication 65

12885 Improving the supply chain of sardines in the country sardine production prohibited catching closed season administrative circular tamban sardine fisheries

Yap, Julio P., Jr.

serials agriculture magazine

15096 Improving the Vietnamese tea value chain in the international market: The case of Thai Nguyen Province green tea; production and market linkages; certified production

Le Van Hung; Vu Ngoc Quyen; Nguyen Dinh Hoa

serials journal of economics, management and agricultural development

384 Improving training quality: a trainer's guide to evaluation training evaluation training process needs assessment training materials process evaluation terminal evaluation follow-up evaluation evaluation results

Raab, R.T.; Swanson, B.E.; Wentling, T.L.; Clark, C.D.
