List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
10908 Improvement of ornamental plants through induced mutations. ornamental plants induced mutations chrysanthemum : Chrysanthemum moriforium red ginger : Alpinia purpurata curcuma : Curcuma alismatifolia Gagnep gamma rays in vitro culture organogenic calli

Lamseejan, S.; Jompuk, P.; Wongpiyasatid, A.; Kwanthamachart, P.; Meesat, R.


3569 Improvement of postharvest life in several cut flowers by the addition of sucrose horticulture, sugar, sweet pea, snapdragon, Eustoma grandiflorum,

Kazuo Ichimura

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

12704 Improvement of Resistant Starch of Modified Uli Banana Flour prepared by Controlled Fermentation and Evaluation of Prebiotic Characteristics. plantain banana Lactobacillus Plantarum resistant starch Synbiotic Yoghurt



10917 Improvement of soybean for rust resistance using induced mutations. soybean gamma rays bacterial pustule : Xanthomonas campestris pv. glycines downy mildew : Peronospora manshurica (Naoum) Syd. soybean rust : Phakopsora pachyrhizi Syd. Thailand

S. Srisombun; S. Kaewmeechai; M. Nuntapunt; D. Sophanodora


3304 Improvement of traditional shrimp culture in the Mekong Delta

Truong Trong Nghia

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

13148 Improvement of utilization techniques of forest resources to promote sustainable forestry in Thailand biomass; carbon stock; teak plantations; seedling; sandy soil; perlite; soil improvement; growth performance; yield prediction; coppicing; teak; Tectona grandis; farm plantation management; Thailand book jircas working report no. 85

9108 Improving a native ladybug's biocontrol prospects. ladybug, Coleomegilla maculata, pink spotted lady beetle,

Suszkiw, Jan

serials agriculture magazine

2513 Improving agricultural productivity in rice-based systems of the High Barind Tract of Bangladesh. rice production direct seeding weed management chickpea rabi cropping Bangladesh

Riches, C.R.; Harris, D.; Johnson, D.E.; Hardy, B. (eds.)


9478 Improving Agricultural Research at Universities in Sub-Saharan Africa : A Study Guide. agriculture cooperation management researches research institutions universities agricultural research research institutes

Heike Michelsen


170 Improving agricultural structure in Asia and the Pacific agricultural structure agricultural development land reform agrarian reform marketing organization Indonesia Philippines Thailand book