List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1550 Impact of the changing economy on small farmers in Asia and the Pacific Bangladesh China Fiji India Indonesia Iran Korea Malaysia Mongolia Nepal Pakistan Sri Lanka Thailand Vietnam economy farmers policies economic changes small farmers book

3367 Impact of the introduction of apple snails and their control in Japan snails, Japan,

Yusa, Y.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

4009 Impact of the Pulangi Watershed Rehabilitation Sub-projects (PWRS) to the income of the households of Halapitan, San Fernando, Bukidnon. watershed, project, income, households,

Casas, J.V.

serials cmu journal of science

8792 Impact of the rice trade policy reforms on household welfare in the Philippines. rice trade policy, policy reform, liberalization,

SobreviƱas, Alellie B.

serials philippine journal of development

7849 Impact of use of As-contaminated groundwater on soil As content and paddy rice production in Bangladesh. soil arsenic, irrigation water arsenic, arsenic contamination, environmental arsenic, rice safety,

Duxbury, John M.

serials fftc technical bulletin 180

7836 Impact of using B100 biodiesel in ship engines. biodiesel, ship engine, palm oil, petroleum diesel, fuel consumption, emissions,

Kamolpatara Limratana

serials the kasetsart journal

16278 Impact of water management on agricultural production water management; agricultural production; output; labor; capital growth

Haq, Rashida; Shafique, Saima

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

2844 Impact of watershed development in low rainfall region of Maharashtra: A case study of Shekta watershed. watershed development crop diversification poverty income distribution investment impact assessment

Sreedevi, T.K.; Wani, S.P.; Sudi, R.; Deshmukh, H.K.; Singh, S.N.; D'souza, M.

book global theme on agroecosystems report no. 49

2848 Impact of watershed program and conditions for success: A meta-analysis approach. watershed benefits rainfall people's participation

Joshi, P.K.; Jha, A.K.; Wani, S.P.; Sreedevi, T.K.; Shaheen, F.A.

book global theme on agroecosystems report no. 46

1839 Impact on a changing world: Program Report 1997-98. potato sweetpotato late blight Phytophthora infestans integrated pest management bacterial wilt natural enemies viroses book