List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
3025 Impact of eco-labelling on Indonesia's smallholder coffee farmers. coffee farming eco-labelling smallholder arabica coffee robusta coffee cooperatives profitability analysis

Nuva; Yusif; Nia Kurniawati H.; Hanna


16458 Impact of ecotourism on local community’s participation in coastal resource management: Case of Palaui Island Protected Landscape and Seascape (PIPLS) in Northern Luzon, Philippines coastal resource management; ecotourism; marine protected areas; PIPLS

Ballad, Emma L.; Morooka, Yoshinori; Shinbo, Teruyuki

serials the philippine journal of fisheries

13012 Impact of farmers field school on rice production in Municipality of Macaleon, Quezon Province, Philippines field school farmers field school human capital cost and return analysis

Vu Xuan Truong


16107 Impact of flooding on agricultural livelihoods in Jabonga, Agusan del Norte flooding; climate change; damage assessment; Agusan del Norte; Philippines

Manlosa, Aisa O.; Valera, Harold Glenn A.

serials searca policy brief series 2016-3

4953 Impact of forest fires on biodiversity in ASEAN. Forest fires,

Dawson, Terence P.

serials asean biodiversity

2869 Impact of globalization on rural development in Afro-Asian countries : Report of the international workshop held at Islamabad, Pakistan, 7-13 January 2012. rural development globalization gender mainstreaming sustainable livelihood integrated multi-purpose cooperative book

2784 Impact of high food prices in Cambodia - Survey report. prices food consumption food security household coping strategies food supply book

15323 Impact of import tariff and government purchasing price to the Indonesia's sugar competitiveness sugar competitiveness; government purchasing price; sugar import tariff; policy analysis matrix

Baida Soraya


16359 Impact of improved forages on soil health in Mai Son district, Son La province, Vietnam evaluation; soil; livestock; Vietnam

Do, Trong Hieu; Nguyen, Tien Sinh; Dao, Thi Thu Hang; Hoang, Xuan Thao; Peters, Michael; Atieno, Mary Otieno


12532 Impact of investment inflows on regional disparity in Indonesia. investment disparity regional growth regional economy Indonesia

Muhammad Firdaus
