List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
11756 Identification of weed species as contaminants in the purity of imported Brassicaceae seeds in Thailand Identification weed species Brassicaceae seeds Thailand

Nongporn Mayudee


11635 Identification, pathogenicity, suscept and life cycle of Tylenchorhynchus species. plant pathology life cycle Tylenchorhynchus species sugarcane Saccharum officinarium Philippines Indonesia



10923 Identifying needs and priorities : a decision-making framework for agricultural biotechnology. biotechnology national policy socioeconomic considerations biosafety intellectual property rDNA transgenic plants capacity building Bacillus thuringiensis

Cohen, Joel I.; Falconi, Cesar A.; Komen, John

biotech biotechnology in agriculture series, no. 23

15912 Identity-based conflicts and the politics of identity in Eastern Mindanao identity; resource-based conflict; ancestral domain; Indigenous Peoples' Rights Act; prior and informed consent; Mindanao

Lara, Francisco J., Jr.; Franco, Bianca Ysabelle

serials philippine journal of public policy (pjpp)

9484 IDRC 2006. economics biodiversity food and agriculture health information and communication natural resources science and technology social and political sciences development and evaluation participatory plant breeding cd

9485 IDRC 2008. economics biodiversity food and agriculture health information and communication natural resources science and technology social and political sciences development and evaluation cd

9750 IDRC CRDI 2010. IDRC CRDI cd

9751 IDRC CRDI 2013. IDRC CRDI cd

6041 If symptoms persist, call your vet?. veterinarian medicine animal diseases

Landicho, Elito Ferry

serials agriculture magazine

9460 IFPRI 2006-2007. agricultural development water resources management quantitative livelihoods approach income diversification urban programming telecommunications land management crop biodiversity gender research bioenergy cd