ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
13398 | Hybrid rice seed firm proposes 50-hectare demo farm in marawi | rice; seed | serials | agriculture magazine |
3997 | Hybrid rice seed production technology and its impact on seed industries and rural employment opportunities in Asia. | cytoplasmic, hybrid rice, male sterility, rice, parental lines, photosensitive genic, thermo-sensitive genic, seed production, cultural management, quality control, | Virmani, S.S. |
serials | fftc technical bulletin 156 |
8650 | Hybrid rice technology adoption pushed in 1st National Hybrid Rice Congress. | hybrid rice, crops, | Samonte, Pete |
serials | agriculture magazine |
7741 | Hybrid rice technology is the key to RP's rice self-sufficiency. | hybrid rice, yield, | Nas, Mark |
serials | agriculture magazine |
2126 | Hybrid rice technology: new developments and future prospects : Selected papers from the International Rice Research Conference. | hybrid rice plant breeding biotechnology yield nitrogen management irrigated rice plant diseases insect pests grain quality economic assessment seed industry CIRAD FAO IRRI Asia China Japan India Philippines Vietnam Indonesia Malaysia Thailand Korea Egypt United States Colombia Brazil | Virmani, S.S. (ed.) |
book |
8354 | Hybrid rice: Making the most out of the dry season. | hybrid rice, dry season, | Mijares, Brian |
serials | agriculture magazine |
7270 | Hybrid seeds double farmers' income despite El nino. | El nino hybrid rice seeds income | serials | agriculture magazine |
5515 | Hybrid sinta papaya production guide. | papaya, land preparation, seedling production, transplanting, fertilizer application, harvesting, irrigation, pest management, plant diseases, cost and return analysis, | serials | agriculture magazine |
11387 | Hybridigm Consulting, Inc : Marrying science and biz. | biotechnology Philippines Maoi Arroyo ecosystems entrepreneurship global technology innovation commercialization strategies investment analysis marketing strategies intellectual property management | biotech | biolife |
930 | Hybridisation techniques for acacias | Acacia hybridization pollen collection | Sedgley, M.; Harbard, J.; Smith, R.M. |
book | aciar technical reports 20 |