List of Materials : 16539

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
9400 Hybrid coconut: Its potential to help overcome poverty. coconut, hybrids, varieties,

Pamplona, Pablito P.

serials agriculture magazine

802 Hybrid cotton in India: A success story cotton seed production export seed industry seed processing certification

Basu, A.K.; Paroda, R.S.

book apaari publication 1995/1

3681 Hybrid improvement of Chinese radish. Raphanus sativus, self-incompatibility, seed set analysis, hybrid,

Montira Putivoranat

serials the kasetsart journal

5569 Hybrid rice - Best bet for rice sufficiency. hybrid rice yield serials agriculture magazine

6220 Hybrid rice 101. hybird rice planting hybrid vigor

Nas, Mark

serials agriculture magazine

725 Hybrid rice breeding manual Hybrid breeding rice heterosis breeding testcross nursery seed production

Virmani, S.S.; Viraktamath, B.C.; Casal, C.L.; Toledo, R.S.; Lopez, M.T.; Manalo, J.O.


6342 Hybrid rice commercialization is a sure way to rice sufficiency. hybrid rice commercialization

Pablico, Sosimo Ma.

serials agriculture magazine

13719 Hybrid rice development in Indonesia hybrid rice; research and development; yield; policy; Indonesia

Tahlim Sudaryanto


9439 Hybrid rice farmers in Visayas enjoying bountiful harvest. hybrid rice, harvest,

Nas, Mark

serials agriculture magazine

2128 Hybrid rice for food security, poverty alleviation, and environment protection. hybrid rice plant breeding grain quality seed production heterosis biotechnology technology dissemination country reports

Virmani, S.S.; Mao, C.X.; Hardy, B. (eds.)
