ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
10212 | How to design and evaluate research in education. | educational research data analysis quantitative research methodologies qualitative research proposal writing research proposals statistics experimental research survey research observation interviewing action research historical research ethnographic research causal-comparative research correlational research sampling methods | Fraenkel, Jack R.; Wallen, Norman E. |
purch |
9963 | How to design effective computer based training: A modular course. | distance education open plan schools self-culture computer-assisted instruction project management learning task analysis Pyramid Analysis performance aids media Colour Theory | Harrison, N. |
purch |
10444 | How to develop project feasibility studies. | project feasibility study market study technical study financial study socio-economic study organization and management study environmental impact assessment study market forecasting | purch |
12884 | How to engage the youth, teach agri in senior high school | senior high school program Philippine Rice Research Institute infomediaries Infomediary Campaign enrollment increase strategies best-fit practices | Pasiona, Sonny A. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
14942 | How to feed a survival garden | garden; fertilizer application | Barcelona, Julius |
serials | agriculture magazine |
5839 | How to fix iron deficiency in cacao. | cacao iron soil amendment fertilizer application stem-nailing leaves | Abello, Melpha M. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
4617 | How to grow alugbati. | Basella alba, vegetables, varieties, adaptation, land preparation, planting, cultivation, irrigation, weed control, pest control, harvesting, curing, storage, fertilizer application, | serials | agriculture |
15020 | How to grow emerald green melons | emerald green melons; planting site; spacing; irrigation; fertilization; pruning; harvesting | Ancheta, Aubregyn V. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
3734 | How to grow fruit trees on low-lying fields. | mango trees, waterlogged areas, drainage, | Berioso, Jennifer G. |
serials | agriculture |
5565 | How to grow organic papaya. | papaya vermicomposting bokashi fertilizer preparation planting pruning crop rotation | Mikkelson, Keith |
serials | agriculture magazine |