List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
10109 Human resource development, industrial relations and management in the Philippine setting: A guidebook. human resource development company training post employment problem solving decision making employee enterprises succession planning quality management benefits

Sibal, Jorge V.


1466 Human resource development: The new trainer's guide. group relations training trainers training training needs needs analysis methods of instruction audiovisuals communication learning motivation evaluation meeting guides facilitation skills presentation skills computer-based instruction

Donaldson, Les; Scannell, E.E.


9838 Human resource development: The Philippine experience - Readings for the practitioner manpower policy; personnel manager; wages; benefits; training; career development; organization development; nongovernmental organizations; entrepreneur; women; poverty; empowerment; management by objective; leader; corporate culture; information technology; research; participatory program evaluation; work improvement teams

Ortigas, C.D. (ed.)


10468 Human resource forms, notices, and contracts. human resources forms hiring employment contracts

Villanueva, Elvin B.; Emata, Sheila Marie P.


9902 Human resource management. equal employment employee development pay structure union labor employee benefits

Noe, R.A.; Hollenbeck, J.R.; Gerhart, B.; Wright, P.M.


10615 Human resource management: From the practitioner's point of view. human resources skills planning process recruitment selection orientation training and development reward management motivation performance management merger human capital business ethics job analysis

Payos, Ranulfo


1633 Human resources development in agriculture. Human resource development agricultural education capacity building research training extension manpower planning education Republic of China Fiji India Indonesia Iran Malaysia Mongolia Nepal Sri Lanka Thailand Vietnam book

14934 Human resources director escapes emotional rut through gardening gardening; vertical garden

Taculao, Patricia Bianca S.

serials agriculture magazine

13184 Human rights protection mechanisms for women and girls in the Southeast Asian Region - An exploratory strategy paper for the ASEAN intergovernmental commission on human rights (AICHR) women; human rights; gender mainstreaming; violence; sexual violence; domestic violence; minority; marginalized group; human rights protection mechanisms; ASEAN book

2405 Human values in water education: Creating a new water-use ethnic in African cities. water education, human values, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Senegal, book