List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
14428 Household resources and practices toward native rice sufficiency in Khoune District, Xiengkhouang Province, Lao PDR native rice sufficiency; household resources; household practice; Lao PDR

Chanthavongsa, Kolakanh; Dizon, Josefina T.; Quimbo, Maria Ana T.; Amit, Mayo Grace C.

serials the journal of public affairs and development

2290 Household switching behavior in the use of groundwater in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. water supply groundwater water quality management water consumption water pricing groundwater demand analysis groundwater use groundwater reserves Vietnam

Vo Thanh Danh

book research report no. 2008-rr3

15792 Household vulnerability to climate change and identification of target beneficiaries to implement household-specific adaptation strategies: A quantitative assessment climate change; cluster analysis; household vulnerability; principle component analysis; India

Nedumaran, Swamikannu; Nandi, Ravi; Padmanabhan, Jyosthnaa; Reddy, Srigiri S.; Kadiyala, Dakshina M.; Kumar, Shalander

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

2985 Household vulnerability to climate change in selected municipalities in Laguna, Philippines. household vulnerability climate change poverty

Arias, Jaime Kim Bayani; Mendoza, Ma. Emilinda T.; Ballaran, Vicente G., Jr.; Dorado, Rowena A.

book eepsea 2014-rr1

8403 Household wastes made into fertilizer. wastes, fertilizer, composting,

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

13033 Household willingness to participate in the REDD+ program and its potential impact on poverty reduction in Nghe An province, Vietnam REDD+ carbon markets contingent valuation method deforestation willingness to accept (WTA) poverty alleviation survey instrument design forest protection

Nguyen Dinh Tien


10179 Housekeeping management. housekeeping cleaning supplies floor care guestroom laundry service sanitation housekeeping safety security monitoring

Roldan, Amelia S.; Crespo, Amelia M.


4227 Housewife turns cashew into delicacy nuts, prunes, and wine. cashew, business, wine, nuts,

Aguiba, M.M.

serials agriculture

965 Housing of animals: construction and equipment of animal houses animal housing construction cattle pigs poultry horses sheep rabbits

Maton, A.; Daelemans, J.; Lambrecht, J.

book development in agricultural engineering, 6

8152 How a realistic mathematics education approach and microcomputer-based laboratory worked in lessons on graphing at an Indonesian Junior High School. graphing, mathenatics, theoretical framework, microcomputer-based, pupils, teachers,

Widjaja, Yenni B.

serials journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia