List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
3661 Histological and scanning electron observations on embryogenic and non-embryogenic calli of aromatic Thai rice. histological, scanning electron micrograph, Oryza sativa, callus,

Nitsri Sangduen

serials the kasetsart journal

12099 Histological development and digestive enzyme activities of the gastrointestinal animal science Histology digestive enzyme gastrointestinal tract broiler chicks Gallus gallus domesticus

Hanny Indrat Wahyuni


7566 Histological development of pearl-sac formation in thai freshwater mussels. pearl sac formation, histological development, mantle transplantation, freshwater mussels,

Kannika Chatchavalvanich

serials the kasetsart journal

7406 Histological Structure of the Digestive Organs in Siamese Cobra (Naja kaouthia). digestive organ, siamese cobra, histology,

Kannika Chatchavalvanich

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

6538 Histological study on the development of digestive system in zoeal stages of mud crab (scylla olivacea). scylla olivacea mud crab histological study digestive system zoea

Pattanee Jantrarotai; Nopparat Srakaew; Anong Sawanyatiputi

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

13238 Histopathological characterization of lung slaughter swine in selected abattoirs in Laguna, Philippines and its relation to serological profiling for Porcine Pleuropneumonia (PPP), Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) and Enzootic Pneumoni bacteria; swine; porcine respiratory disease complex; microscopic lesions; pneumonic lungs swine; slaughterhouses; lung tissues, Laguna

Sokun Khoeun


11067 Historical development of agriculture and plant breeding. agriculture plant breeding food security genetic engineering green revolution transgenic crops gene Bacillus thuringiensis : Bt biotechnology

Lantican, Ricardo


2863 History and spread of the self-help affinity group movement in India. agriculture on-farm credit

Fernandez, Aloysius P.


5959 History of agroterrorism (part 2). agroterrorism biological agents chemical weapons rinderpest foot and mouth disease Brucellosis outbreak Bird Flu bovine spongiform encephalopathy

Sison, Jaime Abella

serials agriculture magazine

4836 HIV/AIDS and labor force upgrading in Tanzania. AIDS, human capital, cross-entropy estimation, education transition matrices, Tanzania,

Wobst, P.

serials world development