List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
9122 Health care in private schools and private establishments in the Philippines. health care, private schools, health services,

Racelis, Rachel H.

serials philippine journal of development

2361 Health enhancing foods: Country case studies of China and India. functional foods market evolution regulating functional foods labels application for certification food laws integrated value chain analysis soybean farming soy milk processing genetically modified functional foods China India

Ford, Kent; Konishi, Yasuo; Rajalahti, Riikka; Pehu, Eija

book agriculture and rural development discussion paper 32

2362 Health enhancing foods: Opportunities for strengthening the sector in developing countries. functional foods human health supply chain United States Japan Europe China India Brazil Peru Russia

Kotilainen, Liisa; Rajalahti, Riikka; Ragasa, Catherine; Pehu, Eija

book agriculture and rural development discussion paper 30

10977 Health hazards of genetically modified organisms. biotechnology genetically modified organisms : GMOs Bacillus thuringiensis : Bt pesticide resistant genetically engineered plants herbicide tolerance allergenics transgenic plant antibiotic resistance herbicide resistance

Quijano, Romeo E.

biotech organic matters

2035 Health impacts of diesel vehicle emissions: The case of Colombo. diesel-powered vehicles air pollution air quality management vehicular emissions sulfur dioxide nitrogen dioxide carbon monoxide particulate matter health damage diesel quality

Chandrasiri, Sunil


9657 Health Investment for Economic Growth : Building Blocks of Pro-Poor Development. health investment economic growth poor development water sanitation hygiene cd

13177 Health management of milkfish Chanos chanos milkfish; Chanos chanos; diseases; hatchery; nursery; health management

Cruz-Lacierda, Erlinda R.; Estante, Erish G.; de Jesus-Ayson, Evelyn Grace T.; Corre, Jr., Valeriano L.


8320 Health management of pathogen-free (PF) citrus orchards planting and pruning of PF citrus trees in orchards. citrus trees, planting, pruning, pruning practices,

Lu, Ming H.

serials fftc extension bulletin 627

8020 Health management of pathogen-free citrus seedlings for citrus rehabilitation from epidemic of citrus HLB and virus diseases. citrus, citrus greening, citrus tristeza, integrated pest management,

Su, Hong J.

serials fftc technical bulletin 183

31 Health, population and development in Asia and the Pacific. population growth health policies population policies manpower development book