List of Theses : 1587

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
12171 Kurawa Corporation Limited: a case study. agribusiness management organization management personnel management marketing production Kurawa Corporation Limited Indonesia



12454 Land and water resources management in the catchment area of Sutami and Sengguruh dams: an economic optimization approach. catchment area soil depth and reservoir water economic values reservoir storage soil loss dynamic optimazation cropping pattern externality

Rini Dwiastuti


12737 Land cover changes and resource use pattering of selected communities in Phou Phanang National Protected Area, Sangthong District, Vientiane Capital. land over resource use pattern ecosystem biodiversity

Boaukham Sisongkham


12798 Land evaluation as a basis for agriculture food crops development: case in Raumoco Lautem Timor Leste. soil fertility; land suitability; rice; pulses

Antonio Joao da Costa


12249 Land ownership structures and levels of living of settlers in the transmigration areas of Lampung Province, Indonesia agrarian studies Land ownership transmigration areas Lampung Province Indonesia

Basita Gintingsugihen


12471 Land suitability and fertility capability evaluation for land reform area in Maha Sarakham province, Thailand. soil fertility physical properties chemical properties land suitability remote sensing GPS geographic information system rice cassava sugarcane

Soontaree Boonme


12634 Land use change and its impacts on watershed function and food security in Huaynamphung sub-watershed, Thailand. land use watershed land suitability watershed management law and legislation conservation policy land reform policy Thailand

Kanlaya Damrongsadsiri


12444 Land use changes and biodiversity conservation in Lore Lindu National Park, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. land use deforestation human population land value vegetation anthropogenic forest structure diversity national park management benefit cost analysis

Ismet Khaeruddin


11853 Land use development strategies for the rehabilitation of Gajahmungkur Reservoir subwatershed soil science Land use development strategies rehabilitation Gajahmungkur reservoir subwatershed

Kukuh Murtilaksono


13037 Land use planning for paddy field In Aileu District, Timor Leste land availability land suitability food security geographic information system multi criteria analysis analytical hierarchy process

Nilton Jorge A. De. C. Ribeiro
