ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
11618 | Job performance of Tambol agents in Chiangmai, Thailand. | extension education Tambol agents Chiangmai Thailand | Kittipong Towthirakul |
theses |
11608 | Job performance of the Tambol agents in the national agricultural extension project in Songkhla, Thailand. | Job performance Tambol agents agricultural extension Songkhla Thailand | Sompis Karyow |
theses |
11973 | Job performance of women agriculture teachers in the Bureau of Secondary Education | agricultural education Job performance women agriculture teachers Bureau of Secondary Education | Balantac, Nancy B. |
theses |
11944 | Kaingineros' perception of and attitudes towards forest conservation in Mt. Makiling Laguna, Philippines | extension education Kaingineros forest conservation Mt. Makiling Philippines | Duldulao, Anacleto C. |
theses |
12694 | Kepariwisataan Alama Merespon Tantangan Perubahan Iklim Studi Kasus di Taman Nasional Tanjung Puting. | climate change contours adaptation conservation donation GHG mitigation | Johan Setiawan |
theses |
12379 | Ketahanan pangan rumahtangga tani dalam konteks pertanian berkelanjutan: suatu analisis programasi linier di pedesaan Bali, Jawa Timur, Dan Yogyakart. | agricultural economics Indonesia : Yogyakarta | Dwi Putra Darmawan |
theses |
12195 | Kinetics of the thermal degradation of B-carotene in carrot juice. | food science B-carotene carrot juice Philippines | Hojilla, Milagros P. |
theses |
12366 | Knowledge competency level determinants of agriculture students in mango nursery and orchard management | agricultural education mango orchard management | Pascual, Nestor R. |
theses |
11588 | Knowledge, attitude and expectations of coconut farmers toward the agrarian reform program in Northern Samar. | communication attitude farmers agrarian reform Samar Philippines | Tan, Salvador G. |
theses |
12207 | Kud-Mina Bhakti in Aceh, Indonesia: a study of membership, participation and impact | community development cooperatives marketing fishing industry fishermen cooperatives Indonesia | Haryoto, R. |
theses |