List of Theses : 1587

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
11618 Job performance of Tambol agents in Chiangmai, Thailand. extension education Tambol agents Chiangmai Thailand

Kittipong Towthirakul


11608 Job performance of the Tambol agents in the national agricultural extension project in Songkhla, Thailand. Job performance Tambol agents agricultural extension Songkhla Thailand

Sompis Karyow


11973 Job performance of women agriculture teachers in the Bureau of Secondary Education agricultural education Job performance women agriculture teachers Bureau of Secondary Education

Balantac, Nancy B.


11944 Kaingineros' perception of and attitudes towards forest conservation in Mt. Makiling Laguna, Philippines extension education Kaingineros forest conservation Mt. Makiling Philippines

Duldulao, Anacleto C.


12694 Kepariwisataan Alama Merespon Tantangan Perubahan Iklim Studi Kasus di Taman Nasional Tanjung Puting. climate change contours adaptation conservation donation GHG mitigation

Johan Setiawan


12379 Ketahanan pangan rumahtangga tani dalam konteks pertanian berkelanjutan: suatu analisis programasi linier di pedesaan Bali, Jawa Timur, Dan Yogyakart. agricultural economics Indonesia : Yogyakarta

Dwi Putra Darmawan


12195 Kinetics of the thermal degradation of B-carotene in carrot juice. food science B-carotene carrot juice Philippines

Hojilla, Milagros P.


12366 Knowledge competency level determinants of agriculture students in mango nursery and orchard management agricultural education mango orchard management

Pascual, Nestor R.


11588 Knowledge, attitude and expectations of coconut farmers toward the agrarian reform program in Northern Samar. communication attitude farmers agrarian reform Samar Philippines

Tan, Salvador G.


12207 Kud-Mina Bhakti in Aceh, Indonesia: a study of membership, participation and impact community development cooperatives marketing fishing industry fishermen cooperatives Indonesia

Haryoto, R.
