List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2885 Enhancing capacities on sustainable agriculture for poverty reduction. poverty millennium development goals agriculture situationers impact assessment project site development plans India Indonesia Philippines

Dumlao, Trina A. (ed.)


2708 Enhancing livelihoods in Lao PDR through environmental services and planted-timber products. forests wood industries environmental services land use value chains wood processing export Lao PDR

Midgley, Stephen; Bennett, Jeff; Samontry, Xeme; Stevens, Peter; Mounlamai, Khamphone; Midgley, Dao; Brown, Alan

book aciar technical reports no. 81

2001 Enhancing participation in country strategy and program planning. participation donors social learning participatory methods

Fowler, A.

book social development papers no. 2

2669 Enhancing participation in local governance: Experiences from the Philippines. local governance good governance sustainable development decentralization local government units human resources development organizational development development planning natural resources management watershed management protected area management coastal resource management marine reserves preservation primary health care disaster management solid waste management book

1531 Enhancing research capacity in developing and transition countries. Research capacity collaborations capacity building sustainable development environmental management natural resource management participatory development planning research development science and technology biotechnology biodiversity

Swiss Commission for Research Partnerships with Developing Countries, KFPE


2670 Enhancing taxation on idle agricultural lands: A policy study in aid of legislation. land tax idle agricultural lands land tax administration

Lara, Francisco J.; Morala, Rachael O.; Reyes, Leelanee L.; Paguio, Elizabeth L.; Manahan, Anna Ria B.; Acaba, Jeffry P.


15846 Enhancing the adaptive capacity of indigenous peoples by promoting sustainable resin tapping of almaciga (Agathis philippinensis) in Palawan and Sierra Madre, Philippines indigenous people; capacity building; almaciga

Ella, Arsenio B.; Samiano, Florena B.

book searca agriculture and development discussion paper series no. 2015-3

15862 Enhancing the marketing capacity of agricultural cooperatives in Hoa Vang District, Da Nang City, Vietnam cooperatives; marketing capacity; marketing; GAP

Xuan Quach; Tien Du; Lien Pham; Hai Ho

book searca agriculture and development discussion paper series no. 2018-3

15840 Enhancing the productivity, profitability and quality of root crops and vegetables through macro and micronutrient fertilization sustainable crop production; root crops; vegetables; profitability; micronutrient fertilization; soil fertility

Tulin, Anabella B.

book searca agriculture and development discussion paper series no. 2014-2

16130 Enhancing the public policy process for family farming through grassroots participation policy; grassroots; family farming

Darvin-De Torres, Bernice Anne C.; Orencio, Pedcris M.; Bandong, Ruth Jazrel M.
