List of Books : 3864

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1095 Evaluation of proteins for humans nutritional evaluation proteins metabolism nutritional value amino acid

Bodwell, C.E.


1053 Evaluation of research and development : Methodologies for R&D evaluation in the European community member states, the United States of America and Japan. France Ireland United Kingdom Denmark Netherlands European community evaluation methods research evaluation research and development

Boggio, G.; Sapchis-Papazois, E. (eds.)


15447 Evaluation of the sustainable livelihood program's seed capital fund for microenterprise development sustainable livelihood program; microenterprise assistance

Orbeta, Aniceto C. Jr.; Ballesteros, Marife M.; Corpus, John Paul, P.; Paqueo, Vicente B.; Reyes, Celia M.

book research paper series no. 2022-03

2117 Evaluation of vegetable-based farming systems and improvement of vegetable and fruit cultivation in highland regions of west Java, Indonesia. vegetables production trade export traditional cropping system lowland cropping system marketing systems temperate vegetables cabbage clubroot disease cabbage soft rot tomato insect pests natural enemies indigenous crops fruit trees Indonesia

Osamu Koyama (ed.)


434 Evapotranspiration from plant communities evaporation hydrological methods meteorological method evapotranspiration canopy drying

Sharma, M.L. (ed.)

book developments in agricultural and managed-forest ecology, 13

15448 Evidence-based local planning and budgeting using the CBMS Community-Based Monitoring System; sustainable development goals; planning; municipality; Baler

Reyes, Celia M.; Vargas, Anna Rita P.; Arboneda, Arkin A.

book research paper series no. 2022-02

2015 Evolution of irrigation in South and Southeast Asia. irrigated farming irrigation systems hydraulics colonialism institutional constraints poverty water scarcity farmers modernization water market cost recovery groundwater pumping rice cereals water resource management environmental effects Southeast Asia South Asia

Barker, R.; Molle, F.

book comprehensive assessment research report 5

2918 Ex ante assessment of crop biotechnology products: A practical guide. crop biotechnology technology adoption technology commercialization economic analysis environmental benefits health benefits

Rola, Agnes C.; et al.


2427 Ex ante economic evaluation protocol for evaluating R&D project worth: A simplified approach. economic evaluation priority setting ex ante analysis research and development

Brown, Ernesto O.; Daite, Richard B.; Cardenas, Danilo C.

book information bulletin no. 251/2006

3155 Examining how long fallow Swidden systems impact upon livelihood and ecosystem service outcomes compared with alternative land-uses in the uplands swidden fallow system ecosystem services

Wolfram Dressler; David Wilson; Jessuca Clendenning; Rob Cramb; Sango Mahanty; Rodel Lasco; Rodney Keenan

book cifor working paper no. 174