List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2621 Evaluating microfinance program innovation with randomized control trials: An example from group versus individual lending. microfinance product innovation lending

Gine, Xavier; Harigaya, Tomoko; Karlan, Dean; Nguyen, Binh T.

book erd technical note series no. 16

381 Evaluating primary education : Qualitative and quantitative policy studies in Thailand. Qualitative and quantitative policy studies in Thailand. Primary education primary schools quality of education evaluation access to education educational output rural areas regional disparity Thailand school-community relationships educational statistics research methodology

Amrung Chantavanich; Supang Chantavanich; Fry, G.W.


3027 Evaluating the pilot implementation of payment for forest environmental services in Lam Dong, Vietnam. forest environmental Lam Dong stakeholders payment for forest environmental services PES environmental services

Nguyen Thi Y Ly


2571 Evaluation of fisheries management options for the Visayan Sea, Philippines: The case of Northern Iloilo. fisheries management fishery resources

Ferrer, Alice Joan G.

book eepsea research report no. 2009-rr5

1938 Evaluation of international provenance trials of Casuarina equisetifolia. Casuarina equisetifolia seed collection seed distribution trial establishment provenance trials growth stem branching habit reproduction

Pinyopusarerk, K.; Kalinganire, A.; Williams, E.R.; Aken, K.M.

book aciar technical report no. 58

1095 Evaluation of proteins for humans nutritional evaluation proteins metabolism nutritional value amino acid

Bodwell, C.E.


1053 Evaluation of research and development : Methodologies for R&D evaluation in the European community member states, the United States of America and Japan. France Ireland United Kingdom Denmark Netherlands European community evaluation methods research evaluation research and development

Boggio, G.; Sapchis-Papazois, E. (eds.)


15447 Evaluation of the sustainable livelihood program's seed capital fund for microenterprise development sustainable livelihood program; microenterprise assistance

Orbeta, Aniceto C. Jr.; Ballesteros, Marife M.; Corpus, John Paul, P.; Paqueo, Vicente B.; Reyes, Celia M.

book research paper series no. 2022-03

2117 Evaluation of vegetable-based farming systems and improvement of vegetable and fruit cultivation in highland regions of west Java, Indonesia. vegetables production trade export traditional cropping system lowland cropping system marketing systems temperate vegetables cabbage clubroot disease cabbage soft rot tomato insect pests natural enemies indigenous crops fruit trees Indonesia

Osamu Koyama (ed.)


434 Evapotranspiration from plant communities evaporation hydrological methods meteorological method evapotranspiration canopy drying

Sharma, M.L. (ed.)

book developments in agricultural and managed-forest ecology, 13