ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
2621 | Evaluating microfinance program innovation with randomized control trials: An example from group versus individual lending. | microfinance product innovation lending | Gine, Xavier; Harigaya, Tomoko; Karlan, Dean; Nguyen, Binh T. |
book | erd technical note series no. 16 |
381 | Evaluating primary education : Qualitative and quantitative policy studies in Thailand. | Qualitative and quantitative policy studies in Thailand. | Primary education primary schools quality of education evaluation access to education educational output rural areas regional disparity Thailand school-community relationships educational statistics research methodology | Amrung Chantavanich; Supang Chantavanich; Fry, G.W. |
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3027 | Evaluating the pilot implementation of payment for forest environmental services in Lam Dong, Vietnam. | forest environmental Lam Dong stakeholders payment for forest environmental services PES environmental services | Nguyen Thi Y Ly |
book |
2571 | Evaluation of fisheries management options for the Visayan Sea, Philippines: The case of Northern Iloilo. | fisheries management fishery resources | Ferrer, Alice Joan G. |
book | eepsea research report no. 2009-rr5 |
1938 | Evaluation of international provenance trials of Casuarina equisetifolia. | Casuarina equisetifolia seed collection seed distribution trial establishment provenance trials growth stem branching habit reproduction | Pinyopusarerk, K.; Kalinganire, A.; Williams, E.R.; Aken, K.M. |
book | aciar technical report no. 58 |
1095 | Evaluation of proteins for humans | nutritional evaluation proteins metabolism nutritional value amino acid | Bodwell, C.E. |
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1053 | Evaluation of research and development : Methodologies for R&D evaluation in the European community member states, the United States of America and Japan. | France Ireland United Kingdom Denmark Netherlands European community evaluation methods research evaluation research and development | Boggio, G.; Sapchis-Papazois, E. (eds.) |
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15447 | Evaluation of the sustainable livelihood program's seed capital fund for microenterprise development | sustainable livelihood program; microenterprise assistance | Orbeta, Aniceto C. Jr.; Ballesteros, Marife M.; Corpus, John Paul, P.; Paqueo, Vicente B.; Reyes, Celia M. |
book | research paper series no. 2022-03 |
2117 | Evaluation of vegetable-based farming systems and improvement of vegetable and fruit cultivation in highland regions of west Java, Indonesia. | vegetables production trade export traditional cropping system lowland cropping system marketing systems temperate vegetables cabbage clubroot disease cabbage soft rot tomato insect pests natural enemies indigenous crops fruit trees Indonesia | Osamu Koyama (ed.) |
book |
434 | Evapotranspiration from plant communities | evaporation hydrological methods meteorological method evapotranspiration canopy drying | Sharma, M.L. (ed.) |
book | developments in agricultural and managed-forest ecology, 13 |