List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2325 Environment, livelihoods, and local institutions: Decentralization in mainland Southeast Asia. decentralization uplands case studies government women community mobilization conflict resolution monitoring and evaluation livelihood security environment

Dupar, Mairi; Badenoch, Nathan


75 Environmental assessment requirements of the Asian Development Bank. environmental assessment project loans loans book

332 Environmental challenges in the People's Republic of China and scope for Bank Assistance agricultural land population forests biodiversities water resources water depletion industrial pollution energy air quality laws and regulations bank assistance

Capannelli, Elisabetta

book adb occasional papers no.6

2536 Environmental consequences of and pollution control options for pond "Tra" fish production in Thotnot District, Cantho City, Vietnam. catfishes environmental problems pond water quality pollution costs and returns analysis pond sediment wastewater Tra fish Vietnam

Vo Thi Lang; Ky Quang Vinh; Ngo Thi Thanh Truc

book research report no. 2009-rr3

14406 Environmental conservation in the Philippines - A Christian perspective forests; water resources; biodiversity resources; climate change; global warming; environmental issues

Lasco, Rodel D.; Lasco, Haydee D.


2586 Environmental cost analysis of the relocation of pollution-intensive industries case study: Transfer of ceramics industry from Foshan to Qingyuan ... environmental cost analysis ceramics industry relocation air pollution control health impacts

Liu Li; Li Bin

book eepsea research report no. 2010-rr2

15223 Environmental economics and policy sustainable development; energy; water; agriculture; biodiversity; environmental economics; water pollution; valuing environment; property rights; acid rain; atmosphere modification; transportation; water pollution; solid waste; recycling; toxic substances; hazardous wastes; poverty

Tietenberg, Thomas H.


1141 Environmental education and its transfer at the tertiary level: The University of the Philippines at Los Baños experience Philippines Tertiary Level Education Environmental Education

Sajise, Percy E.


1116 Environmental education and its transfer: the Philippine experience Philippines environmental education tertiary level education

Sajise, Percy E.


1923 Environmental education for sustainable development. sustainable development, sustainability, education, ecosystems, biomes, population growth, global warming, ozone depletion, energy sources, water supply, mineral resources, exploitation, wildlife resources, deforestation, coral reefs, human settlements, resource depletion, environmental laws, policies, environmental standards, ISO, agreements, higher education, community-based resource management, curriculum, waste management, hazardous wastes, protected areas, national action plan,

Guzman, R.S.
