ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
3041 | Exploring the forestry carbon finance potential for an Indigenous cultural community in the Philippines. | forestry carbon Indigenous culture ecosystem Magbukun Aytas REDD plus carbon finance policy environments carbon markets Ayta community | Margaret M. Calderon; Nathaniel C. Bantayan; Florencia B. Pulhin; Lourdes J. Cruz |
book |
2904 | Exploring the opportunities towards competitiveness: Supply chain improvement of selected commodities in AFNR (Phase 1). | supply chain management abaca fiber industry goat industry bamboo furniture industry biofertilizer vegetables | Brown, Ernesto O.; Aquino, Albert P.; Cardenas, Danilo C. (eds.) |
book | book series no. 183/2011 |
2183 | Exploring transnational communities in the Philippines. | transnationalism migration Koreans Vietnamese Japanese overseas Filipinos citizenship absentee voting | Miralao, Virginia A.; Makil, Lorna P. (eds.) |
book |
1485 | Extension education reconsidered: Implications of the idea of sustainability. | rural extension sustainable development extension education | Lauzon, A.C. |
book | occasional papers in rural extension no. 12 |
2078 | Extension handbook | extension learning theory motivation diffusion innovations communication channels community leadership program planning process adult education communication media rural youth marketing extension programs extension technologies program evaluation teaching techniques public involvement | book |
605 | Extension system for livestock production in Asia and the Pacific : Report of an APO Multi-Country Study Mission, February 28 - March 7, 1996, Tokyo, Japan | livestock extension livestock industry | book |
318 | External finance and the role of multilateral financial institutions in South Asia: changing patterns, prospects and challenges | external finance financial institutions South Asia | Jungsoo Lee |
book | adb economic staff paper no.50 |
1848 | External impact assessment of IFPRI's 2020 vision for food, agriculture, and the environment initiative. | impact assessment food needs poverty | Paarlberg, R.L. |
book | impact assessment discussion paper no. 10 |
948 | Extractivism in the Brazilian Amazon: Perspectives on regional development | policies renewable natural resources plant extractivism forest products ecological dimension agroforestry | Godt. M.C.; Sachs, I. (eds.) |
book | mab digest no.18 |
15764 | Faces of vulnerability: Gender, climate change, and disaster | climate change; vulnerability; Laguna | Mendoza, Maria Emilinda T. |
book |