List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
3041 Exploring the forestry carbon finance potential for an Indigenous cultural community in the Philippines. forestry carbon Indigenous culture ecosystem Magbukun Aytas REDD plus carbon finance policy environments carbon markets Ayta community

Margaret M. Calderon; Nathaniel C. Bantayan; Florencia B. Pulhin; Lourdes J. Cruz


2904 Exploring the opportunities towards competitiveness: Supply chain improvement of selected commodities in AFNR (Phase 1). supply chain management abaca fiber industry goat industry bamboo furniture industry biofertilizer vegetables

Brown, Ernesto O.; Aquino, Albert P.; Cardenas, Danilo C. (eds.)

book book series no. 183/2011

2183 Exploring transnational communities in the Philippines. transnationalism migration Koreans Vietnamese Japanese overseas Filipinos citizenship absentee voting

Miralao, Virginia A.; Makil, Lorna P. (eds.)


1485 Extension education reconsidered: Implications of the idea of sustainability. rural extension sustainable development extension education

Lauzon, A.C.

book occasional papers in rural extension no. 12

2078 Extension handbook extension learning theory motivation diffusion innovations communication channels community leadership program planning process adult education communication media rural youth marketing extension programs extension technologies program evaluation teaching techniques public involvement book

605 Extension system for livestock production in Asia and the Pacific : Report of an APO Multi-Country Study Mission, February 28 - March 7, 1996, Tokyo, Japan livestock extension livestock industry book

318 External finance and the role of multilateral financial institutions in South Asia: changing patterns, prospects and challenges external finance financial institutions South Asia

Jungsoo Lee

book adb economic staff paper no.50

1848 External impact assessment of IFPRI's 2020 vision for food, agriculture, and the environment initiative. impact assessment food needs poverty

Paarlberg, R.L.

book impact assessment discussion paper no. 10

948 Extractivism in the Brazilian Amazon: Perspectives on regional development policies renewable natural resources plant extractivism forest products ecological dimension agroforestry

Godt. M.C.; Sachs, I. (eds.)

book mab digest no.18

15764 Faces of vulnerability: Gender, climate change, and disaster climate change; vulnerability; Laguna

Mendoza, Maria Emilinda T.
