List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1328 Fire, smoke, and haze : The ASEAN response strategy - Summary Report. fire haze economic impact ecological impact environmental impact implementation plan book

2309 Fires in Indonesia: Causes, costs and policy implications. fires smoke haze pollution forest degradation deforestation land use allocation carbon emissions

Tacconi, Luca

book cifor occasional paper no. 38

1929 First Philippine Vermi Symposium-Workshop, Los Baños, Laguna, November 26-26, 2003 [Proceedings]. earthworms biology culture ecology vermicomposting feeds broilers fish enzymes medicines soil waste management Ifugao Rice Terraces San Pablo City Los Baños Buro-Buro Philippines book

2756 Fiscal decentralization in Cambodia: A review of progress and challenges. fiscal decentralization service delivery

Kimchoeun, Pak

book cdri working paper series no. 50

15853 Fish aggregating devices and the role of socio-economic factors in driving spatial effort allocation of fishers fish aggregating device; spatial effort allocation; fishery

Macusi, Edison Roi

book searca agriculture and development discussion paper series no. 2016-4

1043 Fish drying in Indonesia : Proceedings of an international workshop held at Jakarta, Indonesia on 9-10 February 1994 fish processing drying agribusiness salted fish furnace fungi quality control chemical reactions

Champ, B.R.; Highley, E. (eds.)

book aciar proceedings no.59

1044 Fish Processing spoilage storage drying salting smoking fermentation insect infestation handling processing equipment book food cycle technology source book no.4

1664 FishBase 2000 : Concepts, design and data sources. fishes information system biology species ichthyoplankton morphology genetics aquaculture physiology reproduction

Froese, R.; Pauly, D. (eds.)


1899 Fisheries co-management policy brief: Findings from a worldwide study. fisheries governance co-management fisheries management

Viswanathan, K.K.; Nielsen, J.R.; Degnbol, P.; Ahmed, M.; Hara, M.; Raja Abdullah, N.M.


1915 Fisheries management frameworks of the countries bordering the South China Sea. marine fishery industry environmental degradation fisheries management regional cooperation laws Cambodia China Indonesia Malaysia Philippines Thailand Vietnam

Menasveta, D.
