ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
1328 | Fire, smoke, and haze : The ASEAN response strategy - Summary Report. | fire haze economic impact ecological impact environmental impact implementation plan | book |
2309 | Fires in Indonesia: Causes, costs and policy implications. | fires smoke haze pollution forest degradation deforestation land use allocation carbon emissions | Tacconi, Luca |
book | cifor occasional paper no. 38 |
1929 | First Philippine Vermi Symposium-Workshop, Los Baños, Laguna, November 26-26, 2003 [Proceedings]. | earthworms biology culture ecology vermicomposting feeds broilers fish enzymes medicines soil waste management Ifugao Rice Terraces San Pablo City Los Baños Buro-Buro Philippines | book |
2756 | Fiscal decentralization in Cambodia: A review of progress and challenges. | fiscal decentralization service delivery | Kimchoeun, Pak |
book | cdri working paper series no. 50 |
15853 | Fish aggregating devices and the role of socio-economic factors in driving spatial effort allocation of fishers | fish aggregating device; spatial effort allocation; fishery | Macusi, Edison Roi |
book | searca agriculture and development discussion paper series no. 2016-4 |
1043 | Fish drying in Indonesia : Proceedings of an international workshop held at Jakarta, Indonesia on 9-10 February 1994 | fish processing drying agribusiness salted fish furnace fungi quality control chemical reactions | Champ, B.R.; Highley, E. (eds.) |
book | aciar proceedings no.59 |
1044 | Fish Processing | spoilage storage drying salting smoking fermentation insect infestation handling processing equipment | book | food cycle technology source book no.4 |
1664 | FishBase 2000 : Concepts, design and data sources. | fishes information system biology species ichthyoplankton morphology genetics aquaculture physiology reproduction | Froese, R.; Pauly, D. (eds.) |
book |
1899 | Fisheries co-management policy brief: Findings from a worldwide study. | fisheries governance co-management fisheries management | Viswanathan, K.K.; Nielsen, J.R.; Degnbol, P.; Ahmed, M.; Hara, M.; Raja Abdullah, N.M. |
book |
1915 | Fisheries management frameworks of the countries bordering the South China Sea. | marine fishery industry environmental degradation fisheries management regional cooperation laws Cambodia China Indonesia Malaysia Philippines Thailand Vietnam | Menasveta, D. |
book |