List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2162 Forest tree seeds : A phenological guidebook. forest tree seeds seed collection seed characteristics seed extraction seed count germination seed type species

Dayan, Maria DP; Reaviles, Rosalinda S.; Abarro, Vivian DP.


417 Forest water ecosystems fresh waters trace metals phytoplankton bacterioplankton Fredericella sultana zooplankton vendace cisco perch selenium

Forsberg, Curt; Johansson, Jan-Ake (eds.)


2 Forest: Leveraging best practices - A collection of vignettes and how-to-do-it manuals. forest environmental protection environmental restoration endemic tree species North Cotabato Davao City Negros Occidental Philippines book

1766 Foresters, farmers and biodiversity : New issues for the forestry curriculum : Proceedings of the National Workshop on Local Knowledge and Biodiversity Conservation in Forestry Practice and Education, 19-23 October 1998, VISCA, Baybay, Leyte, Philippines. biodiversity conservation indigenous knowledge forestry curriculum development education tree species forest protection Sierra Madre Leyte Mindoro Occidental

Lawrence, A.; Mangaoang, E.O. (eds.)


1672 Forestry in Myanmar. forestry policy legislation biodiversity bamboo forests forest resources timber harvesting forest products desertification ecotourism book

951 Forestry resources management forestry social forestry rural development forest degradation forest depletion financial institutions deforestation reforestation book

13631 Forests and climate change after Cancun: An Asia-Pacific perspective forest; climate change; REDD+; LULUCF book

13650 Forests and climate change after Durban - An Asia-Pacific perspective forest; climate change; forestry; forest carbon; adaptation REDD+; LULUCF book

13655 Forests and climate change in the Asia-Pacific region forest; forest products; environmental services; climate change; adaptation; mitigation; policy; vulnerability; sustainable development; deforestation; carbon sequestration; forest management; afforestation; reforestation; forest degradation; fuelwood

Vickers, Ben

book forests and climate change working paper 7

1311 Forests and society : The role of research : XXI IUFRO World Congress, 7-12 August 2000, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. forest conservation forest management sustainability fire forests air pollution wood products non-wood products urban society agroforestry

Baskaran Krishnapillay; E. Soepadmo; Najib Lotfy Arshad; et. al. (eds.)
