ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
2099 | Forests for people: Experiences and issues in community management - Asian NGO study tour report. | community-based forest management forest conservation | book |
2467 | Forests in sustainable development : Volume II - Tools for project cycle management - Part A-D. | forestry conservation biodiversity sustainable management forest resources harvesting marketing trading education training | book |
2468 | Forests in sustainable development : Volume II - Tools for project cycle management - Part E-I. | forestry environmental protection women in development financial analysis appropriate technology environmental protection conservation of ecosystems forest resources harvesting training | book |
111 | Formulation of sustainable development indicators for the Philippines | sustainable development indicators environmental accounting environmental indicators productivity population structure poverty land use Philippines | Mendoza, M.N.F.; Magpantay, J.A. |
book |
15599 | Forum on Reducing Disaster Risks Towards a Resilient Agricultural Sector | disaster risk reduction, resilient agricultural sector; disaster preparedness | book |
15093 | Forum proceedings: Organic and inorganic farming | organic farming; inorganic farming; conventional agriculture | book | pcaarrd information bulletin no. 104/2021 |
1831 | Fostering global well-being : A new paradigm to revitalize agricultural and rural development. | economic system economic growth agricultural development | Bathrick, D.D. |
book | food, agriculture, and the environment discussion paper 26 |
727 | Fragile lives in fragile ecosystems : Proceedings of the International Rice Research Conference, Feb 13-17, 1995, International Rice Research Institute, Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines | rice production risk management technology adoption sustainability research tools intensification diversification pest management rainfed rice breeding simulation modeling | book |
2392 | Framework and criteria for the appraisal and socioeconomic justification of education projects : A reference guide for bank staff, consultants and executing agencies. | project appraisal educational policy economic analysis sustainability cost-effectiveness risk analysis | book |
13920 | Framing the ASEAN socio-cultural community post - 2015 | socio-economy; education; healthcare; resilience; sustainability; climate change; food security; natural resource management; biodiversity; trans-boundary air pollution; green growth; poverty; energy; disaster risk management; ASEAN | Intal, Ponciano Jr.; Anbumozhi, Venkatachalam; Zen, Fauziah; Nishimura, Hidetoshi; Prassetya, Rully |
book | eria research project report fy2014 no. 1 |