ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
13132 | Free and prior informed consent - Reflecting NCIP FPIC guidelines: Presentation of selected cases | almaciga; Agathis philippinensis; resin tapping; enterprise development; weaving; natural dyes; indigenous knowledge; forest management; REDD-plus; ancestral domain; | book |
3009 | Freshwater ecosystem adaptation to climate change in water resources management and biodiversity conservation. | climate change; freshwater ecosystem; biodiversity; vulnerability assessment; adaptation | Le Quesne, Tom; Matthews, John H.; Von der Heyden, Constantin; Wickel, A.J.; Wilby, Rob; Hartmann, Joerg; Pegram, Guy; Kistin,Elizabeth; Blate, Geoffrey; de Freitas, Glauco Kimura; Levine, Ellot; Guthrie, Carla; McSweeney, Catherine; Sindorf, Nikolai |
book | water working notes no. 28 |
15479 | Freshwater eel culture industry practices in the Philippines | freshwater eel; culture industry; practices; collection; water management; feeding management; disease management; harvesting; marketing; cost and return analysis; gender roles | Santos, Francisco F.; Baure, Jerwin G.; Santos, Mary Nia M.; Garcia, Lilian C. |
book |
14405 | Freshwater fishes of Southern Luzon, Philippines | native freshwater fishes; endemic freshwater fishes; introduced freshwater fishes | book |
14339 | FRIM national heritage site - World's oldest and largest tropical man-made forest | man-made forest; forest regeneration; flora; fauna biodiversity; national herbarium; research museum | Hsuli, Lydia Lim |
book |
163 | From agronomic data to farmer recommendations: an economics workbook | agricultural economics budget marginal analysis | book |
2086 | From centrally planned to market economies: The Asian approach - Volume 1 (An overview) | economic policy economic conditions taxation financial growth trade liberalization agricultural reform agrarian reform industrial enterprise reform financial reforms foreign trade reforms banking system Asia | book |
1897 | From cultivators to consumers: Participatory research with various user groups | participatory research potato participatory methodologies data management traders marketing systems disease management livelihood potato chips industry farmer field school | book |
1821 | From data to action: Information systems in educational planning. | information education information technology information gathering national assessment instructional practices incentive system teachers | Chapman, D.W.; Mahlck, L.O. (eds.) |
book |
2922 | From dependency to sustainability: building capacity for economic development : A case study on Ok Tedi Mine-area community economic capacity development. | mine capacity development Papua New Guinea | Siop, Paulina |
book |