List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
13132 Free and prior informed consent - Reflecting NCIP FPIC guidelines: Presentation of selected cases almaciga; Agathis philippinensis; resin tapping; enterprise development; weaving; natural dyes; indigenous knowledge; forest management; REDD-plus; ancestral domain; book

3009 Freshwater ecosystem adaptation to climate change in water resources management and biodiversity conservation. climate change; freshwater ecosystem; biodiversity; vulnerability assessment; adaptation

Le Quesne, Tom; Matthews, John H.; Von der Heyden, Constantin; Wickel, A.J.; Wilby, Rob; Hartmann, Joerg; Pegram, Guy; Kistin,Elizabeth; Blate, Geoffrey; de Freitas, Glauco Kimura; Levine, Ellot; Guthrie, Carla; McSweeney, Catherine; Sindorf, Nikolai

book water working notes no. 28

15479 Freshwater eel culture industry practices in the Philippines freshwater eel; culture industry; practices; collection; water management; feeding management; disease management; harvesting; marketing; cost and return analysis; gender roles

Santos, Francisco F.; Baure, Jerwin G.; Santos, Mary Nia M.; Garcia, Lilian C.


14405 Freshwater fishes of Southern Luzon, Philippines native freshwater fishes; endemic freshwater fishes; introduced freshwater fishes book

14339 FRIM national heritage site - World's oldest and largest tropical man-made forest man-made forest; forest regeneration; flora; fauna biodiversity; national herbarium; research museum

Hsuli, Lydia Lim


163 From agronomic data to farmer recommendations: an economics workbook agricultural economics budget marginal analysis book

2086 From centrally planned to market economies: The Asian approach - Volume 1 (An overview) economic policy economic conditions taxation financial growth trade liberalization agricultural reform agrarian reform industrial enterprise reform financial reforms foreign trade reforms banking system Asia book

1897 From cultivators to consumers: Participatory research with various user groups participatory research potato participatory methodologies data management traders marketing systems disease management livelihood potato chips industry farmer field school book

1821 From data to action: Information systems in educational planning. information education information technology information gathering national assessment instructional practices incentive system teachers

Chapman, D.W.; Mahlck, L.O. (eds.)


2922 From dependency to sustainability: building capacity for economic development : A case study on Ok Tedi Mine-area community economic capacity development. mine capacity development Papua New Guinea

Siop, Paulina
