List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
13862 From evidence to policy - Celebrating 40 years of policy research policy research; history; research dissemination; regionalization; PIDS book

1247 From handpumps to health : The evolution of water and sanitation programmes in Bangladesh, India and Nigeria water and sanitation community participation community outreach

Black, Maggie


3160 From insult to inclusion : Asia-Pacific report on school bullying violence and discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. school violence homosexuality book

3064 From monologue to stakeholder engagement: The evolution of biotech communication. science communication knowledge management biotech information network Internet

Navarro, Mariechel J.; Tome, Krsitine Grace N.; Gimutao, Kaymart A.

book isaaa brief 45 - 2013

14027 From scarcity to security: Managing water for a nutritious food future water scarcity; nutrition security; water; food; nutrition; smallholder farmer; water pollution; water security; agriculture; water management; value chain; women

Rosegrant, Mark W.


230 Frontiers of nutrition and food security in Asia, Africa, and Latin America food supply developing countries nutrition food security iron deficiency health policy nutrition behavior potato

Kotler, Neil G. (ed.)


899 Fruit flies of economic importance : Proceedings of the CEC/IOBC International Symposium, Athens, Greece, 16-19 November 1982 population fruit flies Rhagolethis cerasi Dacus dorsalis host plants tephritid genetic studies pest management

Cavalloro, R. (ed.)


822 Fruit production and marketing in Asia and the Pacific fruit production fruit farming marketing fruit industry tropical fruits book

1638 Fruits of Oceania. fruits tropical forests ethnobotany alimentation Oceania

Walter, Annie; Sam, Chanel

book aciar monograph no. 85

907 Fumigation and controlled atmosphere storage of grain : Proceedings of an international conference held at Singapore, 14-18 February 1989 Grain Fumigation Controlled atmosphere storage Pest control Fungi Gas treatment Storage

Champ, B.R.; Highley, E.; Banks, H.J. (eds.)

book aciar proceedings no.25