List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2190 Good business through biotechnology : A guidebook. biotechnology modern biotechnology traditional biotechnology genetic engineering biosafety policies genetically modified organisms malunggay sambong lagundi banaba papaya rice sweet sorghum corn abaca network advocating communicating writing agencies book

2830 Good business: Making private investments work for tropical forests. forestry investments forest enterprise risk assessment sustainable forest management REDD+

Asen, Alexander; Savenije, Herman; Schmidt, Fabian (eds.)


13099 Good climate change adaptation practices manual climate change; climate risks; social mobilization; community radio; cropping calendars; agro-ecosystems analysis; community food bank; climate smart agriculture adaptation; climate smart agriculture mitigation; land use planning; urban governance; climate change resilience; meat consumption book

3045 Good practices for integrating climate change adaptation: Lessons from local partners in Cambodia. climate change adaptation capacity building disaster risk reduction adaptive capacity participatory rural appraisal rights-based approaches book

3074 Good practices in soil and water conservation : A contribution to adaptation and farmer's resilience towards climate change in the Sahel. A contribution to adaptation and farmer's resilience towards climate change in the Sahel. climate trends vulnerability climate proofing hand-dug trenches rock dams sand dune stabilization irrigation schemes semi-circular bunds main land improvement techniques book

1502 Governance of fishing rights in the Philippines fishing rights policies Philippines

Elazegui, D.D.; Paunlagui, M.M.

book ispps working paper no.98-07

1215 Governance: Sound development management. governance quality book

16532 Governing literate populations: The political uses of literacy in securing civil society literacy; education

Kelly, Stephen


16533 Governing smart specialization entrepreneurial discovery process; smart specialization; economic specialization

Kyriakou, Dimitrios; Martinez, Manuel Palazuelos; Perianiez-Forte, Inmaculada; Rainoldi, Alessandro (Eds.)


2411 Grain drying in Asia - Proceedings of an International Conference held at the FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, Thailand. grain drying grain quality thermal properties dryers rice husk gasification rice hull furnaces artificial drying chilled aeration paddy drying aeration

Champ, B.R.; Highley, E.; Johnson, G.I. (eds.)
