List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
13672 Guidance for coastal protection works in Pacific island countries coastal erosion; climate change; hazard risk; coastal protection methods; adaptive management; water level; wave climate; engineering design; hydraulic stability; coral aggregates; salt water; adaptation; monitoring and maintenance; mitigation book

894 Guide to control diamondback moth diamondback moth parasitoids integrated pest management

Rejesus, B.M.; Sayaboc, A.S.; Malabanan, J.M.

book pcarrd farm primer no. 4-a/2000

1789 Guide to establishing a protected area library. library acquisitions organizing materials information dissemination preservation conservation weeding budget staff

Maceda, E.A.

book essentials of protected area management in the philippines, vol. 8

1460 Guide to food selection preparation and preservation. food preparation, food preservation, selection, cooking method, food additives, packaging, measuring techniques, meat, kitchen equipment, recipes,

Soriano, Nora N.


2823 Guide to participatory varietal selection for submergence-tolerant rice. varietal selection rice technology innovation technology tracking monitoring and evaluation impact assessment

Paris, T.; Manzanilla, D.; Tatlonghari, G.; Labios, R.; Cueno, A.; Villanueva, D.


421 Guide to Philippine flora and fauna: Philippine corals. corals coral reefs preservation conservation

Nemenzo, F.


1243 Guide to Philippine flora and fauna: Philippine Dipterocarps. dipterocarps genera species

De Guzman, E.; Umali, R.M.; Sotalbo, E.D.


13998 Guide to the naturalized and invasive plants of Southeast Asia invasive plants; aquatics; grasses; climbers; herbs; shrubs; succulents; trees; identification; impacts; chemical control; physical control; cultural control; control methods; biological control

Witt, Arne


2680 Guidebook for environmental and natural resources accounting: methods and procedures. environmental waste disposal services, nature services, valuation methods, economic depreciation, natural resources, forest resources, mineral resources, fishery resources, soils resources, book

1956 Guidebook for genetic resources documentation. genebanks documentation systems information processing data generation data recording computers databases designing forms

Painting, K.A.; Perry, M.C.; Denning, R.A.; Ayad, W.G.
