List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2863 History and spread of the self-help affinity group movement in India. agriculture on-farm credit

Fernandez, Aloysius P.


3020 Ho Chi Minh City adaptation to climate change climate change; vulnerability; temperature; storm surges; droughts; floods; transport; water supply and sanitation; industry; agriculture; natural ecosystems; energy; public health; Ho Chi Minh City; Vietnam book

1098 Home chefs of the world: rice and rice-based recipes Rice Formulations Ingredients Beverages Appetizers Bread Cereal products Soups Salads Vegetables Seafoods Poultry meat Fish Cakes Cookies Breads Desserts Pickles Chutneys

Virmani, I.K. (Compiler)


851 Home Gardening Program in the Philippines breeding gardening vegetables fruit production backyard gardening Philippines book pcarrd book series no. 69

2098 Home gardening program in the Philippines. gardening vegetable gardening family nutrition vegetable breeding fruit production backyard gardening socioeconomic aspects Philippines book

2150 Home gardens and in situ conservation of plant genetic resources in farming systems : Proceedings of the Second International Home Gardens Workshop, 17-19 July 2001, Witzenhausen, Federal Republic of Germany. home gardens genetic resources agrobiodiversity genetic diversity nutrition livelihoods in situ conservation farming systems Cuba Guatemala Venezuela Ghana Vietnam Nepal Ethiopia Java

Watson, J.W.; Eyzaguirre, P.B. (eds.)


229 Horticultural exports of developing countries: past performances, future prospects, and policy issues policy issues horticultural exports developing countries trade barriers liberalization book ifpri research report no.80

1363 Host plant resistance and control of tropical crop diseases and pests. Host plant resistance plant viruses nomenclature banana aphid papaya ringspot soybean rust fungus pathogens antiserum corn borer leaf blight

Raymundo, Avelino D.; Mendoza, Evelyn Mae T.; Keiichi Tomaru; Kazuya Hirano (eds.)


2104 Host plant resistance to insects. plant resistance insects insect-plant interactions host plant selection insect resistance pest management breeding methods genetic resources genetic analysis insect evolution

Panda, Niranjan; Khush, Gurdev S.


2889 Hotspots! Mapping climate change vulnerability in Southeast Asia. climate change vulnerability assessment

Yusuf, Arief Anshory; Francisco, Herminia
